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Financial literacy for kids and teens.

A wealth of knowledge. For their knowledge of wealth.

Learn how we collect and use your information by visiting our Privacy Statement.  

greenlight app with invest portfolio showing
Learn by doing.

3 out of 4 teens don’t feel knowledgeable about personal finance. We’re on a mission to change that — with built-in lessons on how to save, earn, spend wisely, and invest.

Financial literacy game app on two mobile screens with challenges for kids and teens
The game-changing money game.

Cheer them on as they unlock money confidence for life with Greenlight Level Up™, the financial literacy game for kids and teens right inside the Greenlight app.

Learn more

financial literacy graphics that discuss different educational topics
Educational content. Right in your app.

Find videos, quizzes, and other educational content in the Greenlight app. It’s made to be engaging and fun for the family — so you can navigate the world of financial literacy together.

Smart doesn’t stop at Greenlight.

We've partnered with other education-focused brands, like Kahoot! and Million Bazillion, to bring your family even more ways to learn together.


Join Greenlight. One month, risk-free.†

Plans start at just $5.99/month for the whole family. Includes up to five kids.

Read how we use and collect your information by visiting our Privacy Statement.