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DreamWorks Bad Guys characters meet Greenlight.

What’s your Bad Guys money personality?

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If you haven’t already, meet DreamWorks Animation’s The Bad Guys. They are a crackerjack criminal crew of animal outlaws. The masterminds behind gigantic heists. But they’re not all bad. These five friends are learning how to be good… maybe they’ll even become good with their money.

They’ve also learned a thing or two about their money personalities. Everyone’s got one — including you and your family. Curious? Take the quiz below to reveal your Bad Guys money personality. (And then go see the full movie in theaters April 22!)

1. You win $500. What do you do with it? 

A. Set a Savings Goal for something big — and work toward it. 

B. Plan how I’ll spend it. I want the most ROI on the things I buy. 

C. Invest it in a stock or ETF. Duh. 

D. Give most of it away! I don’t need more money.

E. I’ve already earned $500 for the month. But I’ll direct deposit it and keep the cash flowing. 

2. Last month, money was tight. What will you do this month to make up for it? 

A. Save. Save. Save. No ifs, ands or buts. 

B. Tighten up on spending. Less on wants, more on needs. 

C. Invest what I earn so I can build long-term wealth.

D. I wasn’t able to give to my charities? I’ll double up next month. 

E. Work more. Nothing like a second paycheck to make up for a dry spell. 

3. What’s your biggest money goal for the year? 

A. Hit all my Savings Goals. And then some. 

B. Get better about spending wisely. 

C. Diversify my portfolio and research more stocks and ETFs.

D. Divvy up my earnings to give back to the community. 

E. Earn double my income from last year. 

4. If you could give financial advice to your younger self, what would it be? 

A. Save early. Save often. 

B. Create a budget and stick to it. 

C. Invest 50% of your income and track your investments over time. 

D. Always make room in your budget to give to others. 

E. Hard work pays off. Take on more chores, jobs and other sources of income. 

The results are in.

Now that you know a little bit more about your family’s money personalities, share the love on social. (We want to see!) Catch the full DreamWorks movie in theaters. 

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