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A teen girl getting into a car promoting the new Greenlight Infinity plan and safety features

Power your teen’s independence with Greenlight Infinity

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They grow up so fast. One day you’re sending them off to their first day of elementary school. And before you know it, you’re watching them ace their road test. They’re spending more time away from home with after-school activities, part-time jobs and hangouts with friends. It’s the age-old story of budding independence. They want it. You want it. It’s time.

Enter Greenlight Infinity. It’s Greenlight’s newest, most comprehensive plan designed to help you power your teen’s growing independence — all while they stay safe and connected. Greenlight Infinity brings location sharing, SOS alerts and crash detection to your existing Android or iPhone. Plus, teens can supercharge their money goals with 5% on Savings* (that’s over 50x higher than the average savings rate!). 

Now you can support all of their life goals — on top of their money goals. Whether they’re traveling across the country or just around the block, rest assured that they've got everything they need to check in — without "checking in.”

Stay connected with family location sharing.

Friends paying for food with Greenlight debit card

From babysitting gigs to high school game days, now you can skip the “Did you get there?” text. With Greenlight Infinity’s family location sharing, you can opt to share locations with each other right in the app. Keep your whole family connected — while teens keep living their best lives.

Access family location sharing right from your Greenlight dashboard. Parents and teens can toggle between “family view” (to see everyone’s location) and “individual view” (to see one person’s location). And if you need to call or text a family member — no need to leave the Greenlight app. Open the map view, tap on the person you’re trying to reach and… voila.

Family connection. Check.

SOS — for help when they need it.

Mobile phone screen showing Greenlight SOS alerts with help notification and 911 operator option

As much as we want our teens to be independent, we also want them to be safe. And when parents can’t be there, kids and teens can use SOS alerts to call for help from 911, family or both.

Once SOS alerts are sent to 911, family or both, help will be sent to their location immediately. Plus, all family members will be automatically added to a family group chat, for quick communication. 

Both parents and kids can set up SOS alerts right in the app and choose which family members will receive an alert if something’s wrong. Then they can send SOS alerts from their Greenlight dashboard or login screen with one quick swipe to get help when they need it most.

Greenlight tip: Parents can invite another adult outside of the primary Greenlight account (like an older adult sibling) to be an emergency contact.

Crash detection coverage — for everyone.

Teen boy driving in car with safety features on - SOS alerts, location sharing, crash detection

When it’s time for them to hit the road without you, put your worries in the rearview mirror. With Greenlight Infinity’s new crash detection, you can make sure the whole family gets help when they need it. Whether they’re going on their first road trip or carpooling with their friends to soccer — you can wave goodbye, without the worries.

Both parents and teens can activate crash detection in the app. Once activated, your child’s app will monitor when they’re moving over 25 mph and detect potential crashes. If a crash is detected, 911 dispatch will always check on drivers and passengers and send help immediately. Plus, all emergency contacts will be notified of the situation.

All of Greenlight Infinity’s new safety features let you put your teens on the road to independence — while staying connected.

Earn more rewards with 5% on Savings.

Big 5% interest logo against purple screen and green dollar bills for Greenlight's Savings Reward

It’s official. We’re bringing you the highest savings rate for kids and teens — so they can meet all their money goals, at record pace. Enter Greenlight Infinity’s new 5% Greenlight Savings Reward.* It’s over 50x higher than the national average savings rate. Made just for them.

From their first laptop, to their first car, to their first apartment — with Greenlight Infinity’s 5% on Savings,* they’ll always be one step closer to reaching their goals and building futures they love. You teach them to manage money and build wealth with the app that’s loved and trusted by millions.

Plus, all the features that made us famous with families, like:

  • Debit card and banking** app.

    • A debit card for teens with an app to manage money together.

  • Investing for teens and parents.

    • They invest in stocks and ETFs. You invest for their futures.

  • Chores, allowance and direct deposit.

    • Automate allowance and tie it to chores. First job? Congrats — use Greenlight to set up direct deposit.

  • Personal finance skills.

    • Teens learn about the world of money through hands-on experience.

Go infinitely far. With Greenlight Infinity. 

You can’t stop your teens from growing up. But with you can give your teens everything they need to manage their money, stay connected and call for help if they need it. They get to be in the driver’s seat of their independence and financial future. And you can help them grow up to be financially healthy, happy and independent.

Ready to get infinitely more with Greenlight Infinity? Download the newest version of the Greenlight app, and we’ll help you get started.

*Greenlight and Greenlight + Invest families can earn monthly rewards of 2% per annum, Greenlight Max families can earn 3% per annum, and Greenlight Infinity families can earn 5% per annum on an average daily savings balance of up to $5,000 per family. Only Greenlight Max and Infinity families can earn 1% cash back on spending monthly. To qualify, the Primary Account must be in Good Standing and have a verified ACH funding account. See Greenlight Terms of Service for details. Subject to change at any time.

**Greenlight is a financial technology company, not a bank. Banking services provided by Community Federal Savings Bank, Member FDIC.

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