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Summer side hustles for all ages

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The school year’s ending, and summer is so close! If you don’t already have a summer job lined up, it’s not too late to make your plan for earning. More free time = more time to earn, so let’s get started.

Here’s a mix of chores, jobs and other fresh ways you can earn money this summer. Take a look at this idea list — or get inspired and imagine your own dream job.

Take care of the pets

At Greenlight, taking care of pets is consistently one of the top 5 chores for families. Why? It’s a big help for parents, and it’s a great life lesson for you, especially if you want pets of your very own some day. Not to mention, what’s not to love about extra time with your four-legged friends? Make the pitch to your parents!

a beagle dog licking a girl's face and glasses

Start a business

Entrepreneurs come in all ages! Take Grant, for example, a 13-year-old who runs a popcorn business. Here’s another: Brynn, a 12-year-old on a mission to make masks and donate her profits to charitable causes. What idea do you have that people would really want or need?

Help with recycling

Recycling is a whole process. First, you rinse. Then, you crush the cans or cut the cardboard, fill up your recycling bin and take it down to the end of the driveway (or wherever your family recycles). How about checking how you can get paid for your contribution instead?

Start a garden

Interested in other ways to make a difference for our planet and make cash? Here’s another fun chore you can ask to do for money — start (and maintain!) a garden at home. Grow fruit, veggie or herb plants and earn an allowance when you weed and water the garden. Bonus: If your produce is doing well, consider selling it at the local farmer’s market.

Help the neighbors with odds and ends

Ask neighbors if they need any help with their outdoor chores — raking leaves, mowing the lawn or checking the mail, to name a few.

Write a book (and sell it!)

Don’t take it from us — take it from 13-year-old Stephen M, who wrote an inspiring story about stuttering. His 33-page book is selling on Amazon! If you have a knack for words, take a page out of Stephen’s book and write your own novels or short stories.

Help cook dinner

Looking for other jobs around the house? Maybe your parent will exchange a “paycheck” for some meal prep help. Or a whole culinary creation! You can try this for any additional chores not already on your list — running errands (if you have your license), laundry for the family, the list goes on.

Father and his son cleaning the dishes

Get a part-time job

A part-time job helps instill lessons of hard work, punctuality and responsibility. Not to mention, it gives you interviewing experience. Not sure which companies offer jobs for teens? Try this list. If you’re looking for remote jobs, you could try tutoring online.

Become a babysitter or pet sitter

If you enjoy taking care of little critters...or little humans, this is a great way to earn money! To babysit, you may want to get certified with the Red Cross. Pet sitting may not have a class, but it does require a love for animals — and comfort with messes.

Create and sell

Have a sale to make extra cash! Try Poshmark, Depop, or thredUP for selling used clothes — or you can design your own clothes to sell on CafePress.

Offer help as an assistant

Who couldn’t use a personal assistant? Think about what you love to do, and try offering your help. Social media apprentice? Technical support? Mother’s helper? Sky’s the limit. Check with your friends and family members — or try a job search tool like this.

A couple last things

Would you like to get paid (starting at $100!) to make content for our Instagram, Facebook and more? If you’re an expert at taking selfies or a mastermind at making TikToks and IG Reels, you may be a good fit for Greenlight's Creator Circle. Here’s an application if you want to join our program!

Also, if you haven’t already, check out our #MyGreenlightChallenge contests. We offer you the chance to win money for sending in a video explaining a money topic. It’s fun, keeps you learning and maybe you’ll score some cash.

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