Greenlight logo
Greenlight logo

Earn a $30 reward.

Learn to earn, save, and invest together.

Terms apply. Offer subject to change. By using our site, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

teenagers sitting at a table with one teen boy looking at his greenlight debit card and app
Greenlight redeem referral $30

Earn a $30 reward.

Learn to earn, save, and invest together.

Terms apply. Offer subject to change. By using our site, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

Everything you need, in one app.

checklist icon
Chores? Done.

Create in-app chore lists and tie the work to perks.

personalized card icon
Make it theirs.

Personalize your kids’ debit cards. Selfies rule.

 money stack icon
Allowance on autopilot.

Weekly, biweekly or monthly - you can set it and forget it.

 notification bell icon
Don’t miss a thing.

Get real-time notifications any time the card is used.

wallet icon
Always have their backs.

Send money to your kids — anytime, anywhere.

Star for Greenlight ratingStar for Greenlight ratingStar for Greenlight ratingStar for Greenlight ratingHalf star for Greenlight rating

Join 6+ million parents and kids.

Greenlight has earned 4.8 stars with more than 240,000 App Store reviews.

greenlight app with spending, savings, investing, allowance features showing
Frequently asked questions.
Is there a minimum age?
Is Greenlight safe?
Where is the card accepted?

Try Greenlight today.

Plans start at just $5.99/month for the whole family. Includes up to five kids.

Read how we use and collect your information by visiting our Privacy Statement.