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Earn cash back while your teens build credit.

Greenlight's family credit card is relaunching. Join the waitlist to stay tuned.

Parents looking at phone and card
Parents, get on the waitlist.

We’ve hit pause on accepting applications while we refresh our Greenlight family credit card. As we prep for the relaunch, join our waitlist to be the first to know when we're ready to welcome new applicants.

Teens looking at phone together
Teens build credit. You earn cash back.

With Greenlight, credit is a family affair. As authorized users, teens learn to manage credit safely — while you get rewarded.

Teens build credit before 18. They’ll build positive credit. You set monthly spending limits and get purchase alerts.

Earn cash back. The whole family earns cash back on purchases.

Redeem rewards your way. Apply cash back to your card balance, send it to your Parent’s Wallet, or auto-invest it to propel your family’s college plans.

Teens with a car
Good credit history builds bright futures.

When your teens are ready to buy a car or rent an apartment, good credit unlocks better interest rates, lower monthly payments, and more opportunities.

With Greenlight’s family credit card, teens start building credit before they turn 18. The best part? Only positive activity is reported to bureaus.

Be the first to know.

Join the waitlist — and we’ll be in touch when we’re accepting new applications.