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When are taxes due in 2023? Federal and state tax deadlines

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- Federal tax returns are due on April 18, 2023, but the filing season is now open, and the sooner you file, the sooner you’ll get your tax refund.

- If you need more time for tax preparation, you can file for an extension with the IRS, which will give you until October 16 to file.

- Most states have the same filing deadline of April 18, 2023, but Iowa, Virginia, Delaware and Louisiana have different deadlines.

Taxes are an inevitable part of “adulting.” And with a little advanced planning, filing tax returns can be easier than you think.

The first step is familiarizing yourself with income tax due dates and ensuring you get your returns in on time. But when are taxes due in 2023?

This comprehensive guide will go over tax deadlines for federal income taxes as well as state-level income tax deadlines.

When are taxes due in 2023?

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Federal income tax returns are due on or before April 18, 2023. This due date is for the 2022 tax year; so you’ll be filing your 2022 taxes by April 18 of this year.

April 15 is usually “tax day.” However, this year the 15th falls on a Saturday, and the following Monday is a holiday (Emancipation Day) in Washington, D.C. — so the deadline has been extended to Tuesday, April 18.

So, April 18 is tax day this year, and this is the date that is relevant for most taxpayers, as it’s the federal tax filing deadline. But what about state taxes?

When are state taxes due?

Most states that have income tax use the same tax filing deadline as the IRS: April 18 for this year.

However, there are a few exceptions:

  • Iowa: Tax returns are due on May 1.

  • Virginia: Tax returns are due May 1.

  • Delaware: Tax returns are due May 1.

  • Louisiana: Tax returns are due May 15.

And remember that several states — Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming — have no state income tax.

If you don’t see your state on either of the lists above, your state returns are due on April 18. Many states offer tax extensions as well, if you need more time to file.

What about other taxes, like property tax or business tax?

We’ve discussed when federal and state income taxes are due, but there are other tax filing requirements to consider — and each has a different due date and filing process.

For other types of taxes, such as property tax and business/corporation tax, it’s recommended to browse the website of your state or local government.

The Federation of Tax Administrators maintains a database of links to relevant tax authorities in each state. Be sure to check both state-level and city-/county-level requirements. 

When can I file my taxes?

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The IRS has already launched the 2022 tax filing season (as of January 23, 2023). So you can file your federal return any time between now and the April 18 deadline. 

Just make sure you have all your required tax documents before your file, such as your W-2s and 1099s. You should receive all the necessary tax forms by early February, as businesses are required to postmark W-2s by January 31. 

If you need more time, you should file for an extension. Extensions can be filed via IRS Free File. This will give you until October 16, 2023 to file your 2022 federal tax return. Of course, keep in mind that this will delay your tax refund as well.

If you expect to owe taxes, the IRS recommends that you estimate and pay estimated tax payments ahead of time in order to avoid penalties, such as the Failure to File penalty. In other words, an extension can delay your tax return due date, but not your tax bill itself!

Most state tax seasons are also open as of the time of this writing. Check with your local government tax departments for details.

When should I expect all my tax forms?

You’ll receive various tax forms in the mail (or electronically). You’ll need to have them on hand in order to file your taxes.

This includes forms like:

  • W2 forms, which come from employers

  • 1099-NEC forms, which come from clients of independent contractors and from certain side hustles

  • 1099-INT forms, which come from banks and credit unions

  • 1099-B forms, which come from brokers and investment companies

Most of these forms should have arrived by now. Employers are required to file form W2 by January 31. The various 1099 forms are due no later than February 28.

So, you should be ready to go. If you expected to receive a tax form and haven’t yet, you may need to contact the issuer to double check.

When should I expect my tax refund?

Man happily reading a document

When you file taxes, you’ll calculate how much you owe vs. how much you already paid (or how much was already withheld from your paycheck). If you overpaid, you’ll receive a tax refund.

Federal tax refunds are usually sent within 21 days of successfully e-filing a return. E-filing can be done via a tax software like TurboTax or H&R Block, via the IRS’ own digital filing tools, or with the help of a tax professional.

Paper tax returns can take longer — up to six months or more, according to You can check the status of your refund with the IRS Where’s My Refund tool.

For the fastest way to receive a refund, the IRS recommends e-filing and requesting a direct deposit of your refund (to your checking or savings account). 

What happens if I file late?

The last day to file your 2022 taxes on time is Tuesday, April 18, 2023. If you miss this deadline, without filing for an extension ahead of time, you may incur a Failure to File penalty.

If you know ahead of time that you won’t be able to file on time, you should file an extension ASAP. The due date for filing an extension is the same as the normal due date for calendar year 2022: April 18, 2023.

Keep in mind that filing an extension just extends the amount of time you have to file your return. If you expect to owe taxes, you’ll still need to do your best to estimate the amount owed and pay that by the April 18 due date. If you do not, you may be subject to penalties and/or interest on the amount owed. 

Consult with a tax professional for details.

What else should I know about filing taxes?

There’s a lot to know about filing taxes! For personalized help, it’s a good idea to talk to a CPA or certified tax professional.

But for some general tips and tricks, consider these points:

  • The deadline for contributions to many tax-advantaged accounts (like HSAs and IRAs) is the same as the federal tax filing deadline (April 18, in this case). So you can still make contributions for the 2022 tax year. You may consider making additional contributions to these accounts in order to lower your tax liability.

  • Other tax-advantaged accounts, like a 529 college savings account, do not have filing deadlines.

  • If you end up owing money and can’t afford to pay right away, the IRS has payment plan options. Alternatively, you can pay your taxes with a credit card and pay it off over time — but evaluate your credit card interest first to make sure the interest charges won’t exceed the IRS’ payment plan fees.

  • If you wind up owing more than you expected to, it’s wise to invest some time in estimating your future taxes. You can use a tax calculator, speak with a CPA, or use your 2022 tax details to estimate your 2023 tax liability (assuming your financial situation hasn’t changed much). Then, you can start saving in advance.

Parents: Learn more about personal finances with Greenlight

There are many places to go for information about taxes, budgeting, investing and other personal finance topics. But as parents, we’re all busy — and that’s why Greenlight covers a range of financial topics for a smarter financial future. From taxes to teaching kids about financial literacy — visit our blog to learn more.

Did you know? Greenlight offers a debit card with a banking* app for kids and teens — and parents get their own version of the app! There’s parental controls, investing, and even a fun financial literacy game for kids to explore

*Greenlight is a financial technology company, not a bank. The Greenlight app facilitates banking services through Community Federal Savings Bank (CFSB), Member FDIC.

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