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How to get free school supplies

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The start of a new school year can be expensive for families and teachers alike, especially when it comes to purchasing school supplies. But we’ve got ideas! Here’s how to get free school supplies and where to find assistance.

Where can you find free school supplies?

From retailers to non-profits, there are plenty of options out there for families and teachers in need. You just need to know where to look. Let's dive into all the different places where you can find free school supplies. 

Local charities 

Did you know that many local charities offer school supplies and assistance programs? Especially during the back-to-school season, reach out to your nearest charity or community center.

Non-profit organizations 

If you or someone you know is in a military family, Operation Homefront helps military families make ends meet. 

The Kids In Need Foundation specializes in helping both students and teachers get the supplies they need to learn and teach their best. 

Schools and school districts

Your child's school or the district office might have programs to provide students with free school supplies. This is especially true after the pandemic when many school systems started providing free food and supplies for kids and families in need. It's worth asking!

National aid 

Don't forget about national organizations like the Salvation Army and United Way. They also frequently offer back-to-school assistance, including free school supplies. Make sure to visit their websites for more information.

Online giveaways

With a bit of time and an internet connection, you can score free school supplies through contests, sweepstakes, and giveaways. Many online retailers and social media platforms will occasionally run competitions or giveaways where school supplies are offered as prizes. 

Important safety tip: Make sure to follow trusted sources and always be aware of potential scams.

Community events

Many communities organize back-to-school fairs or seasonal events where free school supplies are distributed. These events may be advertised in local newspapers, community bulletin boards, or online community groups. Attend these events with your child to pick up free school supplies and connect with your local community.

Social services agencies 

If you're receiving assistance from a social services agency, they may be able to connect you with resources for free school supplies. Don't hesitate to ask for help. Catholic charities, local churches, the Salvation Army, and child welfare organizations typically offer school supplies for free in the fall. 

Local businesses 

And last but not least, don't forget to consider the companies in your community. You might be surprised to find that some of them provide free school supplies or offer discounts to families in need. It's always worth asking around and exploring the resources available to support your community. Together, we can make a positive difference!

Final thoughts

No family should have to struggle with the cost of school supplies. With these resources and tips, you can find the help you need to ensure your child has all the necessary supplies for a successful school year.


Q: Are these resources available in every community?

A: Availability may vary depending on location and resources. It's best to contact local organizations and agencies for more specific information.

Q: Can anyone receive free school supplies from these organizations?

A: Some organizations may have specific eligibility requirements, while others may have limited resources. It's best to contact them directly for more information.

Q: Is there a limit on the amount of supplies provided?

A: Yes, each organization or program may have its own limits depending on available resources and demand.

Q: Are there any income requirements for receiving assistance?

A: Some programs may have income requirements, while others may not. It's best to inquire directly with the organization or agency.

Q: Is there a deadline for requesting assistance?

A: Some programs may have specific deadlines, while others may provide assistance on an ongoing basis. It's best to contact them as early as possible for more information.

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