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What to tip for a massage

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If you’re burnt out from the daily grind or sore from a workout, there’s little more satisfying than treating your weary muscles to the healing touch of a professional massage. Even before gratuity, massages can be pretty expensive. But just like any service, this rejuvenating journey for your body and soul requires a tip. Let's unravel the art of tipping post-massage and how to convey our appreciation with grace.

The general guideline

As with other services, the average tip for a massage is 15-20% of the total cost. Of course, this can vary depending on factors such as quality of service and personal budget. 

If you’re at a spa or salon, the business usually takes a portion of the massage therapist’s fee. So, the tip is an integral part of your technician’s expected salary. Cash is often appreciated because it goes directly to the massage therapist rather than through the salon or spa. 

Factors to consider

When deciding how much to tip for a massage, here are some things to bear in mind:

  • Quality of service: Was your therapist attentive and skilled? Unless something went drastically wrong, tipping 20% is standard for a massage. For exceptional service, a 25% tip is common. 

  • Length and type of massage: Did you opt for a longer session or add on any special treatments? Add a few extra dollars or percentage points. 

  • Location and local customs: Tipping norms may vary depending on the location and cultural customs. It also depends if you’re at a hotel or resort, which may have different policies, such as built-in gratuities. 

Tipping exceptions

While tipping is generally expected for services, there are some situations where it may not be necessary or appropriate. These may include:

  • If the spa has an automatic gratuity policy, they’ll add the tip for you. This is common in hotels and resorts, so check the policy ahead. 

  • If you had a negative experience or received poor service, talk to your technician to give them a chance to fix the situation. Or, talk with a concierge or manager to see if they can help make things right. 

Do you have to tip?

Tipping is ultimately a personal choice based on your experience. Remember that tips can be a significant portion of their income for many service industry professionals, including massage therapists, whether they work independently, in a spa, or a major resort. 

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