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Spotlight Story: Meet Kierra

Father's Day inspired Kierra P. to open her own business

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Milk and cookies. Before you say “MMM” out loud or search the pantry for a box of cookies, allow us to blow your mind. Milk and cookie… wait for it… CANDLES. 

15-year-old Kierra P. came up with the genius idea to DIY a candle for a Father’s Day gift. Did her dad love it? Of course. Did it inspire an idea for a successful business? You bet. Light your favorite candle and read on.

Meet Kierra 

Kierra is a confident, creative candle connoisseur. We asked her what inspired her confidence at such a young age. She told us it comes from her mom, a business owner and, in Kierra’s words, “a strong, independent woman.” We love it.

When Kierra’s not busy running Kandles by Kierra or managing her money, she loves to play volleyball, cheer for her school’s team and drive her race car. Yep, she drives a race car, too. What doesn’t Kierra do?

How Kierra got started 

Father’s Day 2017 stumped Kierra. She wanted to get her dad something he likes, and she wanted it to be unique. She ran through a list of ideas — gift card to his favorite restaurant, candy, crafty card — but none of them felt special enough. 

She thought, “How can I put two of his favorite things together?” Candles and dessert. Several Google searches later, she was watching candle-making videos and learning the ropes.

After Kierra made the Milk and Cookie Kandle, her mom posted a photo on Facebook — as proud mamas do. People went crazy for it, asking how they could get their hands on the candle. Next thing you know, Kierra transformed the kitchen into a candlemaking shop.

Kierra's Bold Fact

Hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. Not only was Kierra featured in the New York Times for her business, but she also was celebrated on The Ellen DeGeneres Show for her creativity, ingenuity and work ethic. She earned $25,000 and a Greenlight subscription to propel her business. 

How has she used her $25,000? She built up inventory, expanded her candle scent offering and moved her den workshop into an official workspace. Her mom was thrilled, telling us, “She’s finally out of my dining room, living room and kitchen. We hadn’t eaten at our dining room table in three years.” We’re glad we could help! 

Kierra's Two Cents

As Kierra’s business continues to grow, a new mission has emerged for her: to motivate other young people to chase their dreams. She inspires kids and teens of all ages to start their own businesses and live out their passions. (BRB, grabbing tissues.)

Big dreams need big goals. Kierra sets the bar high for her business and her finances. Between keeping up with inventory and managing her cash flow, Kierra knows the value of money smarts. She uses Greenlight to save up and puts any extra income aside so she doesn’t overspend. She still treats herself to the occasional Bojangles chicken sandwich, though —it’s her favorite. You go, girl!

What’s next?

Kandles by Kierra isn’t going anywhere. On the horizon for Kierra: getting her candles in major stores… or opening her own candle store. 

Kierra isn’t limited to candle creation, though. She also wrote a book about entrepreneurship. She encourages kids and teens to work for themselves, chase their dreams and never feel limited in what they can do. It’s a great read by a warm, fire-lit candle, if we do say so ourselves. 

Well, we’re going to go enjoy a Cinnamon Swirl Cappuccino Kandle. If you’re inspired by Kierra’s business, chat with your kids about their goals and passions. On behalf of Kierra, we encourage them to go for all their wick-ed dreams 🕯️

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