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A standing ovation for 2023 — and you

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Look at that. We've made it — and finished strong. As 2023 comes to an end, let’s take a moment to celebrate all the money milestones Greenlight kids and teens accomplished this year.

Keep the 👏 going for spending wisely

Woah. Look at all that money managed. That’s right. You managed 1.7 billion dollars this year (yes, with a B!) — and you earned it, saved it, invested it, and spent it wisely. While Apple continues to reign at #1 on your spending list — you knocked Xbox and PlayStation out of your top 3, and put Amazon and McDonald’s at the top of the list. But, you did much more than just spend. So let’s get into it.

So. Much. Saving 💸

You set the bar high with savings goals, and used Round Ups to reach them even faster. Many of you are saving up for your first cars — while some are saving for travel. Japan, Europe, New York, and Costa Rica… just to name a few destinations on your bucket lists ✈️ No matter what you're saving for, we’re thrilled that you’re thinking about your futures, with goals like “college” and “life” at the top of your lists. In 2024, we challenge you to aim even higher.

A deep dive into your portfolios 📈

It pays to invest in yourself — and in the market. This year, you invested more than ever. You traded 100,000 more investments than last year and invested $6 million more into your portfolios. With investments across more than 4,000 different stocks, you proved that kids and teens can learn to invest at any age. Not only are you learning about building a great portfolio, you’re seeing what it takes to build long-term wealth. Or, dare we say, investing in your future.

Some chores never change 🧽

A big item on this year’s to-do list? Chores. 20.2 million more than last year, to be exact. And you rocked ‘em all, from cleaning your bedroom to keeping your pets healthy and happy to taking out the trash. You knocked out a bunch of jobs, too — the new way to earn extra money for one-time tasks like raking the leaves and babysitting. Pat yourself on the back for a job (or several) well done.

You leveled up your money skills 🎉

You took learning to the next level in 2023 with our ✨ new ✨ financial literacy game, Greenlight Level Up™. You learned all about new money topics — from jobs and careers to spending decisions — and scored a record high while playing. (Look at those scores!)

And you gave a whole lot back 🫶

Phew. You sure did a lot with your money this past year. And you didn’t forget to make an impact along the way. You broke a record, and gave 37% more than last year. So kudos to you — and your generosity! From Etsy’s Uplift Fund to Goodwill, you gave back to the causes you care about. To say we’re proud is an understatement.

2023 🤝 2024

You made Greenlight history in 2023. We'll be cheering you on in 2024 as you level up your money game, blow us away with big savings goals, and make even more savvy investments. See you there.

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