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What is a Finsta? The secret world of fake IG accounts

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Finsta, short for "fake Instagram," is a type of social media account that has gained popularity among teenagers and other Instagram users in recent years. But what exactly is a Finsta, and why do people create them? Here's everything you need to know about the secret world of fake Instagram accounts.

What is a Finsta?

A Finsta is essentially a private Instagram account that people create in addition to their main or "real" account. It's typically used as a more personal and casual platform to share photos, thoughts, and moments with only a select group of followers.

Why do people create Finstas?

Finstas are often seen as a safe space for people to express themselves freely without worrying about maintaining a certain image or receiving judgment from a wider audience. It allows users to be more candid and authentic with their posts, as they can control who sees them. For example, a celebrity might have one or more Finstas. Their public account might look highly polished and curated, focused more on marketing and publicity. But their Finsta might have unedited candid photos, commentary, or inside jokes only their closest friends and family can access. 

How are Finstas different from regular Instagram accounts?

Finstas often have usernames that are not easily recognizable by friends or acquaintances. They also tend to have a much smaller number of followers, usually consisting of close friends or family members. But the biggest difference is usually more personal, less filtered content. 

What kind of content is typically shared on Finstas?

As Finstas are meant to be more personal and authentic, the content shared is often more raw and unfiltered. This can include funny memes, inside jokes, embarrassing photos or videos, rants about daily life, and more.

Are Finstas safe?

While Finstas are meant to be private, it's important for users to still practice caution when sharing personal information. As with any social media account, only accept follow requests from people you know and trust.

Can kids make and use Finstas?

Be aware that if your child has Instagram, they can make Finstas or "fake" Instagram accounts, too. It’s a double-edged sword, potentially: They can express themselves more freely, but even though it's a “private” account, it's not totally private - screenshots can be taken, and posts can be shared. This could potentially put your child in risky situations or open the door to online bullying. 

So, as a parent or guardian, keeping an open dialogue about your kids’ social media use is crucial. Ask them about their experiences and ensure they know the potential dangers. When it comes to online safety, knowledge is power.

FAQ about Finstas

Q: How do I create a Finsta?

A: You can create a Finsta by going to the Instagram app and clicking on "Sign Up." From there, choose a username and password for your new account. Keep in mind that it's recommended to use a different email and phone number than your main account for added privacy.

Q: How do I add a Finsta to an existing account?

A: First, you'll want to open Instagram and go to your profile. Tap on your username at the top of the screen, then choose "+ Add Account" from the drop-down menu. From here, you can create a new account. Just fill out the required fields, and voila! You've got yourself a brand new Finsta. 

Q: Can I have multiple Finstas?

A: You can have as many Finstas as you'd like if you’re willing to do the legwork. You can have up to five Instagram accounts under one main device or phone number. If you want more than five, you’d need to create new Instagram accounts under alternate devices or phone numbers or use a multi-app manager. 

Q: Can people see my Finsta if I have a private account?

A: Only your approved followers can see your Finsta as long as you set your account to private. That said, nothing on the internet is truly private. Always think carefully before you post! 

Q: Can I link my Finsta to my main Instagram account?

A: You can link up to five Instagram accounts or profiles under one device or phone number. 

Q: How can I make sure my Finsta is private?

A: Ensure your account settings are set to 'private', meaning only approved followers can see your posts.

Q: Can I switch between my Finsta and main Instagram account easily?

A: Yes, Instagram allows you to switch between up to five accounts without logging out and in again.

Q: Will Instagram notify my followers when I create a Finsta?

A: No, Instagram does not notify your followers when you create a new account.

Q: Can my Finsta be found by searching my real name?

A: Only if you provide your real name on your Finsta. According to Instagram, your profile or account shows as your username and the name you put in your profile bio, if you choose to add one. If you want to remain anonymous, don’t put your real name or a recognizable username in your profile bio.

Q: What should I do if my Finsta is discovered by someone I didn't want to know about it?

A: You can block the person from your Finsta or, if necessary, create a new one. However, people you block can still see your activity on other people’s posts if they were shared publicly. 

Q: Can I delete my Finsta?

A: Yes, you can delete your Finsta at any time through the account settings.

Q: Is it against Instagram's policies to have a Finsta?

A: Instagram does not currently have an official policy around Finstas or fake Instagram accounts. However, you do need to follow Instagram Community Guidelines and Terms of Use to maintain your accounts. As long as the content you share complies with their policies, having a Finsta is not against Instagram rules.

Q: Can I be tagged in photos on my Finsta?

A: Yes, but you can control who can tag you in your account settings.

Q: Can I use the same phone number for my main account and my Finsta?

A: You can have up to five accounts under one device or phone number.

Q: How can I report inappropriate content on a Finsta?

A: You can report inappropriate Instagram content by clicking the '...' button on the post and selecting 'Report.’

Final thoughts

So you've got the lowdown on Finstas now - they're a space for your kids to be themselves, unfiltered and authentic. But don't forget, it's crucial to keep an eye on who's following these accounts. Keep it safe, keep it positive. Remember, we're helping our kids express themselves while also ensuring their online safety. 

Social media can be a minefield, but with a little help, you and your kids can navigate it with ease. Check out Greenlight Learning Center for helpful resources on all things family, finance, and fun.

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