How much Barbie trivia do you know?
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Barbie is a cultural icon and has been a beloved toy for generations. Since her debut in 1959, Barbie has gone through countless transformations and captured the hearts of millions of kids and adults worldwide.
But how much do you really know about Barbie? In this blog post, we'll dive into some fun trivia facts about the iconic doll that might surprise you.
The history of Barbie
Barbie has been a staple in children's toy boxes since her debut in 1959. Created by Ruth Handler and manufactured by the American toy company Mattel, Barbie has undergone numerous transformations throughout the years, reflecting changes in society and fashion.
Test your Barbie trivia
Ready to test your Barbie knowledge? It makes for a fabulous game with friends and family! How many careers has Barbie had? What year did she first run for president? Keep track of your answers and check them against our answer key at the end of the post. 1. Who is credited with inventing the Barbie doll?
Answer: Ruth Handler 2. When was the first Barbie doll introduced?
Answer: 1959 3. Where was Barbie debuted in 1959?
Answer: The American International Toy Fair in New York 4. What was the name of Barbie's boyfriend?
Answer: Ken 5. What is Barbie's signature color?
Answer: Pink
6. What is Barbie's full name?
Answer: Barbara Millicent Roberts 7. Which toy company first created Barbie?
Answer: Mattel, Inc. 8. What was Ken's original name?
Answer: Ken Sean Carson
9. What year was Barbie's boyfriend, Ken, first introduced?
Answer: 1961
10. What profession was Barbie first depicted as?
Answer: A fashion model
11. What is the name of Barbie's younger sister?
Answer: Skipper
12. In which year was Barbie's Dream House first introduced?
Answer: 1962
13. What is the name of Barbie's first pet?
Answer: A horse named Dancer
14. Which iconic fashion designer created a Barbie doll in their likeness?
Answer: Karl Lagerfeld
15. What was the first Barbie doll sold wearing?
Answer: A black and white striped swimsuit
16. What is the name of Barbie's first African American friend?
Answer: Christie
17. What was the title of the first Barbie comic book?
Answer: "Barbie and Ken" published in 1962
18. Which famous astronaut did Barbie collaborate with for her space-themed doll?
Answer: Sally Ride
19. What is the name of Barbie's cousin?
Answer: Francie Fairchild
20. In what year did Barbie first appear on television?
Answer: 1959
Barbie’s lasting legacy
From her numerous careers to her ever-evolving style, Barbie continues to be an iconic figure in the world of toys.
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