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Jeopardy questions for trivia games at home

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Gather your family and friends for an evening of brain-teasing fun with our collection of custom crafted ‘Jeopardy’ questions designed to challenge trivia enthusiasts of all ages. Whether you're a history buff, a science whiz, or a pop culture aficionado, our diverse range of topics promises to spark lively debates and laughter. Get ready to buzz in and experience the thrill of the classic game show right in your living room. Who will emerge as the ultimate trivia champion? 

Pop culture

1. For 200 points: This animated movie features a queen who can turn everything into ice. 

  What is "Frozen"?

2. For 400 points: This superhero's alter ego is named Peter Parker. 

  Who is Spider-Man?

3. For 600 points: The name of the wizarding school Harry Potter attends. 

  What is Hogwarts?

4. For 800 points: This singer is known for her "Swift" changes in musical style and dating history. 

  Who is Taylor Swift?

5. For 1000 points: The decade the first episode of "Friends" aired. 

  What is the 1990s?


1. For 200 points: Water freezes at 0 degrees on this temperature scale. 

  What is Celsius?

2. For 400 points: This planet is known as the Red Planet. 

  What is Mars?

3. For 600 points: The process plants use to convert sunlight into food. 

  What is photosynthesis?

4. For 800 points: This element, found in pencils, is also used as a conductor in batteries. 

  What is graphite (or carbon)?

5. For 1000 points: The scientist who developed the theory of relativity. 

  Who is Albert Einstein?


1. For 200 points: The year America declared its independence from Britain. 

  What is 1776?

2. For 400 points: The ancient civilization known for building pyramids. 

  What is Egypt?

3. For 600 points: This president abolished slavery in the United States. 

  Who is Abraham Lincoln?

4. For 800 points: The war between the North and South regions of the United States. 

  What is the Civil War?

5. For 1000 points: The first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. 

  Who is Amelia Earhart?


1. For 200 points: This sport uses a bat and a ball and is often called America's pastime. 

  What is baseball?

2. For 400 points: The number of players on a soccer field for one team during a match. 

  What is 11?

3. For 600 points: This term is used when a bowler knocks down all ten pins with their first ball in bowling. 

  What is a strike?

4. For 800 points: The country where the ancient Olympic Games originated. 

  What is Greece?

5. For 1000 points: The only athlete to play in a Super Bowl and a World Series. 

  Who is Deion Sanders?


1. For 200 points: The continent that is also a country. 

  What is Australia?

2. For 400 points: The longest river in the world. 

  What is the Nile River?

3. For 600 points: The city known as the Big Apple. 

  What is New York City?

4. For 800 points: This country has the most time zones. 

  What is France (including overseas territories)?

5. For 1000 points: This mountain is the highest point on Earth. 

  What is Mount Everest?

Final ‘Jeopardy’ question

Category: World landmarks

This ancient wonder, originally built as a tomb for a pharaoh, is the only one of the original Seven Wonders still in existence.

What is the Great Pyramid of Giza?

These questions span a range of topics and difficulties, ensuring everyone in the family can participate and contribute. The final ‘Jeopardy’ question keeps the suspense alive by dealing with a well-known but challenging topic, making for an exciting conclusion to the game night.

This blog post is provided "as is" and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. Some content in this post may have been created using artificial intelligence; however, every blog post is reviewed by at least two human editors.

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