Million dollar bill: Fact or fiction?
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Have you ever wondered how much a briefcase filled with a million dollars weighs? What if there was just one million-dollar bill? Before you get too excited, let's unpack the myths and truths behind this enigmatic currency.
So, is there a million-dollar bill?
No, there is no official million-dollar bill in circulation, nor has one ever been commissioned by the Federal Reserve. While some novelty items or fake bills may feature a picture of a million-dollar bill, they hold no value and cannot be used as legal tender.
Why do people believe in the million-dollar bill?
The idea of a million-dollar bill has been popularized in movies, books, and urban legends. The famous 'bank error in your favor' scenario from the game Monopoly may have also contributed to this belief. Additionally, some people may have seen novelty million-dollar bills and misconstrued them as real currency.
The highest bill in circulation
In reality, the highest denomination bill in circulation today is the $100 bill. The $10,000 bill, along with other high-denomination bills such as the $500, $1,000, and $5,000 bills, were last printed in 1945 and officially discontinued by the Federal Reserve in 1969 due to lack of use. These high-denomination bills were primarily used for transactions between Federal Reserve Banks and were not intended for public use. Since then, the largest denomination issued for general circulation, which is still in use today, is the $100 bill.
The bottom line
So while the million-dollar bill may be a fascinating concept, it is not an official currency and holds no value as legal tender. It remains a product of imagination, collectibles, and urban legends.
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