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How do I clean my phone? A parent's guide

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Smartphones can sometimes feel like extensions of ourselves. But have you ever paused to think about the germs they might carry? It can be quite a wake-up call. 

Health experts recommend cleaning your phone at least once a day! Try this simple, effective way to clean your phone, ensuring a safer environment for you and your family.

Power down

First things first, shut your phone down. It's always safer to clean electronic devices when they're switched off.

Grab a microfiber or lint-free cloth

If you just need a quick wipe-down to see past grubby fingerprints, microfiber, and other lint-free cloths are gentle and won't scratch the screen. But you’ll need more if you want to disinfect. 

Use mild soapy water or a disinfectant

Important: Never spray anything directly onto the phone! You can use wipes that are specifically designed for electronics. Or, lightly dampen your microfiber cloth with mild, soapy water or a disinfectant, and then wipe the phone down. Make sure the cleaning solution doesn't get into any crevices or openings.

Note on disinfectants: While most are safe in small amounts to clean devices, harsh ingredients like alcohol, bleach, or even vinegar might weaken the protective coating on your screen faster than usual. But your health and safety are more important, so just go easy. 

Dry your phone

After cleaning the phone, use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to ensure the phone is completely dry before turning it back on. 

And voila! Your phone is now clean and ready for germ-free use. Clean your phone regularly - daily, if possible - especially if you let other people or family members use it. Always check the manufacturer's instructions for your device before starting any cleaning routine. 


Some frequently asked questions about cleaning phones:

Q: How often should I clean my phone?

A: Some health experts say you should clean your phone once a day. But it's a good idea to clean your phone at least once a week, especially if you have young kids who also use it.

Q: Can I use any type of disinfectant on my phone?

A: It’s best to use a disinfectant specifically designed for electronics. Regular household cleaners can damage your phone. But if that’s all you have, use a mild solution of water with disinfectant or soap. 

Q: Can I clean my phone with water?

A: No, using water directly on your phone is not recommended, as it can cause damage. Stick to using a damp microfiber cloth instead.

Q: Will the microfiber cloth scratch my phone screen?

A: Microfiber cloths are designed to be gentle and won't scratch your phone screen. 

Q: What if disinfectant gets into my phone's openings?

A: Avoid spraying or applying disinfectant directly onto your phone. Always apply it to your microfiber cloth first and then use the cloth to wipe your phone.

Q: Should I clean my phone case too?

A: Phone cases can harbor germs just like your phone can. It's a good idea to clean your case whenever you clean your phone.

Q: Can I use a hairdryer to dry my phone after cleaning?

A: We don’t recommend it. The heat from a hairdryer might cause damage to your phone. Instead, use a dry microfiber cloth to dry your phone gently.

Q: Is it safe to use alcohol wipes on my phone?

A: It’s best to follow the manufacturer's instructions for your device. Generally, alcohol wipes are OK for cleaning your phone if they are isopropyl alcohol-based. Some manufacturers say you can also use 75% ethyl alcohol wipes or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. 

Important note: Be sure cleaning wipes are not too wet, and avoid getting moisture in any openings.

Q: What should I do if my phone gets wet while cleaning?

A: Turn off the phone immediately, wipe it down with a dry cloth, and let it air dry completely before attempting to turn it back on.

Q: How can I clean my earphones?

A: Much like your phone, earphones can be cleaned with a microfiber cloth and a small amount of disinfectant. Remember to be gentle to avoid damaging them.

Q: Is it safe to use a toothpick on my phone?

A: If a crumb or the like gets stuck in your phone, you can use a wooden or plastic toothpick to gently clean ports or other crevices. Just be gentle and careful not to apply too much pressure. Avoid anything metal, as it can short out the phone.

Regularly cleaning your phone and/or phone case can help keep it in good condition and prevent any buildup of germs or bacteria. Once a day is ideal! But any cleaning is better than none, as long as you use gentle disinfectants and never soak your phone. 

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