Chores 101: How often should you clean your bathroom?
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Cleaning your bathroom regularly helps maintain hygiene and safety. Knowing how to clean a bathroom properly is another matter. A well-kept bathroom can also prevent long-term damage to surfaces and save you from costly repairs.
The importance of regular bathroom cleaning
Regular cleaning is crucial to prevent the accumulation of grime and limescale, which can cause lasting harm. Maintaining a clean bathroom is vital for promoting a healthy environment and reducing the risk of bacterial and fungal infections.
Here's a pro tip: When you clean, your kids observe and learn. It might make them more inclined to embrace cleaning as adults with less resistance. So, lead by example and create a positive cleaning habit for the whole family!
Creating a bathroom cleaning routine
Busy parents might need help to keep up with regular cleaning. But, creating a realistic bathroom cleaning routine for the whole family can help. Involve kids in bathroom cleaning chores to help you, instill a sense of responsibility, and teach them about hygiene.
Clear all the surfaces. It'll give you an open workspace and keep your items from getting soapy or wet.
Before you start cleaning, vacuum the room. It'll get rid of dust and debris that could scratch your surfaces.
Dust the room. It'll help get rid of loose dirt and debris that might mess with your cleaning. For example, if you spend all morning mopping your floors, then you dust, you’ll have to sweep your floors again. Always best to work from the top down.
Scrub and rinse the shower or tub. This might take a bit of time, but it's super important for a clean bathroom.
Remember the sink. It can hold a lot of germs, so make sure you give it a good clean.
Household items like white vinegar, baking soda, and dish soap are affordable and effective cleaning solutions.
Your showerhead needs some love, too. Descaling it can help it work better and last longer.
After you spray your bath and shower with a cleaner, let it sit for a while. This gives the cleaner time to break down any grime or soap scum.
Wipe down all surfaces with a damp cloth. That includes your counters, toilet, and all other surfaces in your bathroom.
Finally, mop the floor. Do this last so you're not stepping on a wet floor while you clean.
With these steps, you'll have a clean, fresh bathroom in no time.
Teach kids how to clean the bathroom with rewards!
With the Greenlight debit card and app, parents can assign tasks and rewards for kids to manage independently. Incentivizing kids to clean the bathroom regularly teaches responsibility and the perks of working to earn money.
Regular bathroom cleaning makes for a healthier and nicer home environment. With a practical cleaning schedule and some quick, effective cleaning tips, even the busiest parents can manage this task. Plus, it's an excellent opportunity to get kids involved in maintaining the household.
A clean bathroom contributes to a happier, healthier home. For more parenting and finance tips, check out the Greenlight Learning Center .
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