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How to keep your blueberries fresh

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We all know that feeling when you open the fridge, ready to enjoy some juicy blueberries, only to find them looking gray and mushy. But fret not! With a few simple tips and tricks, you'll be able to savor those delicious blueberries for much longer. 

Store them properly from the beginning

Did you just bring home a fresh batch of juicy blueberries? Hold off on washing them right away. Water can speed up mold growth. Instead, store them in the fridge in their original breathable container. This helps them stay fresh for longer.

Wash them only when you're ready to eat

When you’re ready to get your blueberry fix, grab what you plan to eat and wash the blueberries with cold water to remove any dirt or debris. Washing blueberries too soon can lead to faster spoilage. 

Freeze them if you have too many

Do you have more blueberries than you can eat right now? Freezing is a great option for saving not only your berries but also money. Place the unwashed berries in a single layer on a baking sheet. Once they're frozen solid, transfer them to a freezer bag. This way, you'll have fresh-tasting blueberries ready whenever you want them.

Check them daily to remove any bad ones

One bad berry can ruin the whole bunch. Make it a daily habit to check your blueberries. If you spot any that are moldy or squished, remove them immediately to keep the rest fresh.

Now that you know how to keep blueberries fresh, you can enjoy them at their best for longer. So go ahead and stock up on those delicious blues! Enjoy blueberries in smoothies, pancakes, or just as they are.

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