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Chores for 7-year-olds: A father and daughter smile and cheer while doing laundry and ironing

Chore wheel: The fun way to organize family tasks

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Hey, you! Yep, you, the superhero parent juggling a thousand tasks at once. Ever feel like keeping the house organized and making sure everyone's doing their part is overwhelming? We get it. That's where the concept of a family chore wheel comes in. It's a fun, creative, and effective way to streamline family chores and bring everyone in on the action.

Kids need structure, and so do chores. By implementing a chore wheel, you get protection against your kids' protests that it's not their turn or that they simply don't want to do what you're telling them. You aren't telling them to take out the garbage — the chore wheel is.

How to make a chore wheel in seven easy steps

Making a chore wheel doesn't have to be a chore. Let's dive right into making that DIY chore wheel. Whether you're more old-school with paper and markers or more tech-savvy with a tablet, there's a chore wheel method just for you.

Pick a medium

Decide if you want a physical board, maybe something artsy with colors and stickers, or a digital wheel using one of the many apps out there. Each has its advantages. With a physical board, everyone can see the wheel. A digital board can nestle in each person's device and remind the kids (or parents!) of their responsibilities, whether they're in the bedroom or across town.

List the chores

From dusting the shelves to feeding the pets, jot down all the household tasks. Consider what needs doing on a routine basis and what you'd like to get done on a routine basis. Remember, this is about team effort, so feel free to let the kids suggest chores. That increases their buy-in to the project.

You can populate the information into a digital wheel, but for a physical wheel, usually you have the chores on the outside/stationary circle. Or, you can place chores on a smaller, inner circle (the one that gets the spin).

Get everyone on board

Literally! Have each family member add their name like they're signing the chore wheel contract. In fact, tell them they are! For physical wheels, the names will go on the stationary or spinning circle, depending on which one you chose for the chore circle.

Divide and conquer

Allocate chores in a way that makes sense. If your child is the size of your kitchen trash can, it wouldn't be fair to assign them to garbage detail. So, consider alternates or trading as a way to balance out each person's abilities.

Make it visual

If you're a DIY lover, decorate your chore wheel to make it eye-catching. Digital peeps can choose fun icons or graphics. Hand over the controls to the kids to give them more ownership of the project.

Place it where everyone can see

Think fridge door or living room wall for physical wheels. For digital ones, make sure everyone has access on their devices. If you have a family tablet, you could place that in the kitchen or living room too. 

Rotate weekly

This is where the wheel part comes in! Turn it every week to assign new tasks. But who gets to turn it? You could set up a rotation or hold a rock-paper-scissors contest. Whatever keeps your kids engaged with the process.

To take your chore wheel up a notch, consider adding a job jar for surprise tasks! Write down one-off chores like washing windows or scrubbing floors on slips of paper and put them in a jar. Whoever spins a surprise chore has to complete it that week. This adds an element of excitement and anticipation to the usual rotation.

Other ways to manage chores — use the Greenlight app

The chore wheel is great for teaching kids responsibility and teamwork from an early age. As they spin the wheel and take on new tasks, children learn how their efforts contribute to the greater good of the household. Completing chores builds their sense of achievement and accountability. And collaborating as a family fosters cooperation and communication.

Of course, the chore wheel is cool and all, but with the chores and allowance app for kids, you can tie their allowance to chore completion. What’s great is that you can choose how allowance and chores are related. For example, you can pay a partial allowance if your child does some chores, or you can set the app to pay the full allowance only when your child finishes all the chores. Plus, they can save and manage their allowance like pros. You’re teaching them not only chore responsibility but also how to handle finances. 

Make chores fun and memorable for your kids and teens

Life's a whirlwind, and keeping a household running smoothly can feel like herding cats. But with tools like the chore chart wheel, it doesn’t have to be a circus. It's simple and effective, and it makes chores a wee bit more enjoyable.

We've put together the parents' guide to chores and allowances to help you figure out how you want to approach these parenting tools. Remember, whether it’s through a chore chart wheel or Greenlight’s chores and allowance app, the end goal is a harmonious household. We know you're aiming for those parent-of-the-year awards, and Greenlight is here to help you shine.

Greenlight is a financial technology company, not a bank. The Greenlight app facilitates banking services through Community Federal Savings Bank (CFSB), Member FDIC.

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