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Reward system for kids: How to do it the right way

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Helping your kids learn to make smart choices is an essential part of parenting. When you use positive reinforcement, you reward their good behaviors, encouraging them to develop productive habits through consistent, responsible choices. Positive reinforcement can be an indispensable part of your parenting toolbox. Keep reading for the best tips on creating a reward system for kids that works.

What is a reward system?

A reward system for kids encourages positive behaviors by reinforcing them with something they value. It’s usually more effective to reward behavior after it happens as an incentive – but not a bribe! The goal is to create a proactive reward system that incentivizes consistently good behavior or work. 

Tips to create an effective reward point system for kids

As you build a rewards system, think about what will work best to build character in your child and which rewards they’ll respond to. 

Identify your child's unique needs and motivations

The best reward point system for kids is usually tailored to their unique needs and motivations. 

  • What interests or excites them the most? Identifying this will help you select the most effective reward to motivate the behavior you hope to see. 

  • Next, decide what form of positive reinforcement might be best for your child. For example, if they struggle to hang towels after a shower, include an incentive for remembering. After hanging their towel up for seven days in a row, maybe they earn an extra hour of screen time or the equivalent of what’s important to them.

  • Make sure rewards are age-appropriate. Pre-teens, for example, are old enough to tell you what they want, so start a dialogue and set appropriate rewards you both will feel good about. Younger kids may need more guidance, like a specific toy or a star chart. 

Choose the appropriate type of reward system

Different age groups may be motivated by other strategies. For instance, behavior charts that visually present the behaviors, goals, and rewards may be easier for younger kids to understand. Include your kids in constructing the chart and decorating it fun and creatively. 

As kids get older, consider tying their chores to an allowance. Greenlight’s chores app lets kids record their chores and get paid all in one place, so it’s easy for parents and kids to manage. 

Establish goals and set expectations 

  • Choose achievable goals: Set them up for success! Establish goals you know they can do, even if it takes a little practice. Provide easy-to-follow steps. Make goals achievable and age-appropriate. Clearly explain your expectations. 

  • Create a timetable: A clear schedule and outline of goals – especially visual – help kids track where they are and what’s next to reach the goal.  

  • Build the best routines: Setting clear goals and establishing expectations helps keep motivation strong as you build the best routines. Adults often forget how difficult it was to establish our own good habits. Offering empathy and support can help kids adapt more easily. 

Get the family involved 

  • Include your kids in deciding on goals, rewards, or timelines. The more involved they are, the more likely they are to commit. 

  • Have them help you design a visually appealing behavior chart that marks their progress in a fun way. Older kids may appreciate giving even more input since it gives them a sense of ownership.

Keep consistent but adapt as necessary

  • Consistency is key to success in almost any discipline. Get the whole family on board. Make sure everyone recognizes the importance of presenting a united front, so your kids don’t get mixed messages.

  • Check in monthly. Assess what's working, what can improve, and any progress you see on those targeted behaviors. If your child still leaves their towel on the floor after showering, maybe it’s time for a new motivation strategy or timeline. 

  • Build it into the family calendar. Set reminders in your phone or family calendar for kids to do their chores (and for you to dole out those rewards!). 

FAQs on reward system for kids

What is the best reward system for kids?

The best reward system for your child is the one they’ll stick to! It often depends on their age, behaviors, and motivations. 

  • For younger kids, try a well-structured, clearly explained behavior chart based on positive reinforcement. 

  • For teens, consider using a smartphone app to keep them engaged, track progress, and automate rewards or allowances for chores.  

Is a reward system good for kids?

A reward system based on positive reinforcement can be an effective way to encourage good behaviors. Hopefully, those behaviors will become habits that don’t need incentivizing. Rewards systems can also teach them the value of money and hard work.

Crafting a successful reward system for your child

When you model and teach good behaviors, you instill helpful habits for life. Positive reinforcement through fun activities and rewards often motivate kids more effectively than negative consequences. It can also make your life easier as a parent.

For older kids, check out Greenlight’s all-in-one money, chores, and allowance app. You can set up a chore schedule, set allowance approvals and amounts, and send money directly all in one easy-to-use app. Try Greenlight today.

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