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A guide for families: 15 ways to give back to your community

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Small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone else's life. Whether you give your time, money, or other resources, your actions can have a positive long-term impact. If you include your family in your efforts, you can teach your kids the art of being a good community citizen — a lesson they'll take with them into adulthood.

Why is giving back to the community important? For starters, it increases societal well-being and teaches us to identify with those in need. It can also help deepen your relationships with family and others around you. 

Giving back to the community: 15 fun ways

There are many creative ways your family can contribute to a good cause, even if your schedule is jam-packed. Consider working a few of the following ideas into your regular routine.

1. Help out an older neighbor

Do you have an older neighbor who could use some help from your family? Pay them a visit and see how you could benefit them. Something as simple as taking out their trash, mowing their lawn, or sharing a home-cooked meal can make a world of difference in their lives.

2. Clean up the neighborhood park 🏞️

Parks are wonderful common areas where adults and children can play, but they can get dirty. Spend an hour or two as a family cleaning up litter and trash you find. You can enlist other neighbors to help if they're available, too.

3. Volunteer at a homeless shelter

During the holidays, many homeless shelters seek volunteers to help prepare and distribute meals. Sign up your family for a shift or two, and bring a few baked treats for everyone to enjoy.

4. Donate old items

Is there a stack of toys your kids no longer play with or clothes they've outgrown? Donate them to your local Goodwill or children's charity for other kids to use. You'll get rid of clutter while also benefiting others who could use your kids' old items.

5. Participate in Earth Day 🌎

Every April, people from around the world come together to support the environment on Earth Day. Do your part by joining local events, such as waterway cleanups or planting trees. 

6. Join a community run or walk

Charities and nonprofits host a variety of 5Ks and 10Ks throughout the year, and the funds raised from them go toward beneficial causes, such as cancer research or animal care. Even if you don't have a family of runners, you can still participate and walk the length of the event. Plus, it's a great way to introduce your family to healthy exercise habits.

7. Visit your local nursing home

Call your local nursing home and ask if they have any upcoming activities your family could help out with, like games or arts and crafts. The residents will enjoy seeing a few new smiling faces, and they'll appreciate the company.

8. Organize a neighborhood yard sale

Give your old clothes, household items, and toys a new life in a community garage sale. Enlist your kids to help with advertising and pricing all the items and designate a charity for the proceeds. Your children will pick up some valuable entrepreneurship skills in the process.

9. Contribute money to a special cause

Most charities and nonprofits run on donations. Show your kids the importance of donating to a good cause by encouraging them to allocate part of their earnings to charity. If your kids have a Greenlight debit card, they can use the Giving tool to select a charity and donate through the app.

10. Take a first aid course together

Learning crucial skills like CPR can save someone's life. Sign up the family for a first aid or CPR course in your area. Their certification can prove very useful in the future. Teens who babysit for extra money may find that their CPR certification helps them obtain more interest from parents who need childcare assistance.

11. Start a garden

If you have some extra space in your yard, use it to plant a small garden. Let your kids help choose the fruits or vegetables to plant, and buy the seeds at your local gardening store. Show your kids how to water and care for the crops, and when they harvest, donate some to a food pantry. If there are other families interested in your project, consider establishing a community garden so everyone can participate.

12. Collect school supplies 🎒

School supplies can be quite costly, and some parents have trouble paying for them. Partner with a local school to arrange donations before the year starts. Your kids can share news of the event with friends and neighbors and collect school supplies from donors.

13. Volunteer at a children's hospital 🏥

Enlist your kids to cheer up patients at a local children's hospital. Contact the hospital's administration to learn where your family can assist — whether it's organizing activities or simply visiting a few patients who could use some company. You can bring a few items to put a smile on their face, like books or small toys your family can part with.

14. Care for animals at the local shelter

Animal shelters can often use a few extra helping hands. Set aside a few hours on the weekend to assist with cleaning cages, playing with cats and dogs, or helping to organize adoptions. You can also ask whether the shelter needs food or other supplies you can bring with you.

15. Bake treats for a fire or police station 🧑‍🚒

People who provide essential services put their lives on the line every day. Show your family's appreciation for their service by baking a few delicious treats and dropping them by the station. If you're lucky, they may let your kids explore the fire truck or police car!

Find your own ways to give back to the community

There are many ways you can show your family's love and appreciation for the community you live in. Use our suggestions, or come up with a few of your own. As your kids learn more about the world around them, they'll initiate their own generous acts!

Greenlight makes spending, learning to invest, and giving easy. With a Greenlight debit card, kids and teens can even earn up to 5% cash back on savings.* Empower your kid's financial independence today!

*Greenlight + Invest families can earn monthly rewards of 1% per annum, Greenlight Core and Greenlight Select families can earn 2% per annum, Greenlight Max families can earn 3% per annum, and Greenlight Infinity families can earn 5% per annum on an average daily savings balance of up to $5,000 per family. Only Greenlight Max and Infinity families can earn 1% cash back on spending monthly. To qualify, the Primary Account must be in Good Standing and have a verified ACH funding account. See Greenlight Terms of Service for details. Subject to change at any time.

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