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How to graduate high school early: A guide for families

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Are you a teen keen on fast-tracking your journey to college? Or maybe you're a parent eager to support your ambitious child? An early graduation is one option that can potentially open doors. But it can also present unique challenges. Use this guide to find out how to graduate high school early or support someone who wants to.

Important reminder: In many states, the law requires parental permission to graduate from high school early for kids under age 18. 

Why would someone graduate early? 

There are many reasons why someone may choose to graduate high school early, including academic or career ambitions and personal circumstances. Some reasons for graduating early might include:

  • Family commitments: Family circumstances, such as needing to work to support the family or becoming a caregiver, parent, or military spouse. These could all prompt a conversation about an early graduation.

  • Early college or higher-education start: Some students aim for early admission to community college or their dream college, university, tech or trade school. Some students do this also if they’re going into very long degree commitments such as an M.D. or Ph.D. However, it’s important to talk with the school of your choice first, as many prefer high school completion over early graduation. 

  • Entrepreneurial pursuits: Young entrepreneurs eager to launch their own business might find early graduation advantageous to their career trajectory.

  • Professional sports: Talented athletes may graduate early to start a professional sports career or commit to college sports programs.

  • Academic acceleration: Exceptionally gifted students might outpace the standard curriculum, making early graduation a vehicle for more challenging academic endeavors.

  • Military service: Students with plans to join the military may choose to graduate early to begin their service. However, some branches of the military limit the percentage of enrollees who don’t possess a traditional high school diploma.

  • Travel or other gap year opportunities: A desire to travel, whether for leisure, volunteer work, or cultural immersion, can motivate students to finish high school sooner. Many students take a “gap year” - a year to explore or work before starting college or other plans.

  • Grade maintenance: To sidestep the loss of motivation many students face in their final year, known as "senioritis," some opt to graduate early and maintain their academic momentum. But again, this is very school specific. Always check with your desired school to ensure this is a wise choice. 

Each of these reasons can underscore the diverse life paths and ambitions of students, showcasing why the flexibility to graduate early can be crucial for many young individuals.

The pros and the cons

Taking the fast lane to graduate high school early comes with some perks. You could get a head start in college, find opportunities to travel or work, and even save some bucks on high school expenses. But let's not forget the challenges. You might miss out on some traditional high school experiences, face college-level coursework sooner, and need to be more independent at a younger age.

How to graduate high school early: Three common paths

Graduating early usually happens one of only a few ways and depends on what type of school you go to, your age, and your reason for wanting to finish up early.  Here's a breakdown of the most common paths to graduation speedway:

Path 1: Take extra classes

If you're still in high school, you could take additional classes beyond your required credits. Most traditional public high schools will allow students to enroll in more courses than needed to graduate. In some cases, you may be able to fulfill your course requirements earlier. Parental or guardian guidance, as well as partnership with your school administration and guidance counselors is key for any early graduation plan. 

Pros: You can still participate in traditional high school experiences like prom or sports, and your diploma will look the same as anyone else's.

Cons: It could be a bit more expensive to take extra classes outside of regular school hours, and you might have to give up some extracurricular activities.

Path 2: Earn credits elsewhere

Some states and school districts have dual enrollment programs that allow high school students to take college-level courses for credit. If you're ready for college-level work and you qualify, this could be a great way to build a strong college application and earn credits toward college. Check with your school’s policy and connect with a guidance counselor for more information.

Pros: You'll get to explore your interests in college-level courses, potentially earn college credit, and you might even finish your degree early!

Cons: This path may not be available for all high school students, and it could require some extra effort to find the right courses at a nearby college. Typically you must also be in good standing with your high school and meet other academic criteria. 

Path 3: Test your way forward

Proficiency exams can help you get college credit and may even help you graduate high school earlier However, you must meet local education requirements and those may vary by region or state, so research that thoroughly before making a plan. .

Proficiency tests measure your knowledge in various subjects, and if you pass, you might receive credit for those classes without actually having taken them. Two well known exams are the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Advanced Placement (AP) tests.

Pros: It's a faster and more flexible way to earn college credits, and these exams are available nationwide.

Cons: These tests can be pricey, you might have to put in extra study time, and not all colleges accept proficiency exam credits.

Alternatively, if the goal is to graduate from high school but not necessarily move on to college, taking the General Education Development (GED) test is another way to show you have acquired high school-level skills. The GED is a comprehensive exam in math, science, social studies, and language arts. If you pass, it's usually considered equivalent to having completed high school. But – this is another area where you should check your local requirements as well as any college requirements, if that’s in your future. 

Pros: It's usually faster and cheaper than other options, and you can study for the exam on your own time.

Cons: Your diploma may not look like a traditional high school diploma, and some colleges may not accept the GED in place of a high school degree.

Take the strategic approach

Whether you’re headed to college or not, it’s not the right solution for everyone. Graduating from high school ahead of schedule doesn't guarantee college acceptance. And completing  high school can come with other benefits beyond academic, even if you're uncertain about attending college. Consider all your future options so you have options. 

Planning for the future

Whether you want to graduate early or your’e just exploring options, it’s helpful to set some plans in motion before you graduate so you can make the most informed decisions. Here are some essential steps to keep in mind:

  1. Talk to your school counselor: They can guide you on what courses you need to graduate early or other post-high school options and help you create a roadmap.

  2. Get organized: You'll want to create a schedule that works for you and your family, taking into consideration any other commitments like work or extracurricular activities.

  3. Consider online options: Online courses can provide flexibility and sometimes even be more affordable than traditional classes.

  4. Stay connected: Everyone needs support!  Keep in touch with friends and join clubs or organizations to stay connected with your school community, along with maintaining healthy and open communication with your parents, guardians, and guidance counselor.

  5. Attend social events: More and more schools are opening their doors to kids who graduated early and welcoming them into proms, sporting events, and other milestone teen moments. It never hurts to ask.

  6. Triple check: The internet is full of cautionary tales of students whose plans were foiled by a changing curriculum requirement or a missing class nobody realized was missing. Check in with school officials about your plan often.

Graduating high school early can be a rewarding and exciting experience for many students and their families. Whatever your reasons may be, there are multiple paths to making this goal a reality. Carefully consider the pros and cons of each option and have a clear plan before starting the process.

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