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DIY guide: How to make slime with contact solution

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If your kids love to play with slime, let them make their own! Welcome to our ultimate guide on how to make slime with contact solution. It's a super fun hands-on project that kids love. It ignites their creativity and creates a fantastic opportunity to teach them about the wonders of science playfully and engagingly. So, let's gather all the ingredients and dive into the world of slime.

What you'll need:

  • 1 bottle of white school glue (6 oz or 3/4 cup)

  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of contact lens solution

  • Optional: Food coloring, glitter, or other decorations

Let's make slime: Our favorite slime recipe

  1. Mix the glue and baking soda: In a mixing bowl, combine the glue and baking soda. Stir ingredients together until they're well mixed.

  2. Add some sparkle: If you want, add glitter, food coloring, or other decorations. Mix them in well.

  3. Add the contact lens solution: Stir it quickly, and you'll notice the mixture forming into slime and pulling away from the bowl's sides.

  4. Knead your slime: Once the mixture has formed into a ball, remove it from the bowl and knead it. It might be sticky at first, but keep working at it. The more you knead, the less sticky it will become.

  5. Play and store: Now, you're ready to play! Later, store your slime in an airtight container to keep it fresh.

Sure, you can buy slime at the store, but kids who’ve done it will tell you that measuring, mixing, and digging their hands in is half the fun. It's also fun for them to learn about measurements, mixtures, and following recipe instructions. Now, roll up your sleeves!

Want more fun and educational activities to do with your kids? Take a peek at the Greenlight Learning Center for exciting ideas and resources for families. 

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