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Jobs for 12 year olds: siblings cleaning their backyard

Ready to earn: 14 engaging jobs for 12-year-olds

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- A job like car washer, babysitter, dog walker, or tutor can help your 12-year-old to learn independence and make money in the process. 

- Most traditional jobs are not available to 12-year-olds due to labor laws, but there are still many options for them to make money.

- To find an appropriate job for a 12-year-old, look at what they have experience in or begin by helping them get experience at home. 

With the teen years just around the corner, your 12-year-old might be itching to get out there and gain some independence. One way they can do that is to start earning a few bucks on their own. 

Thankfully, there are all sorts of opportunities for preteens to pick up some extra cash and build skills, even if they have no experience. Whether your child is the creative type, a budding entrepreneur, or a master of household chores, there’s a gig out there just for them.

In this blog, we’re going to take a look at what 12-year-olds are and aren’t allowed to do for work. Then, we’re going to give you a list of the 14 best jobs for 12-year-olds to make money.

Can a 12-year-old get a job?

Traditional jobs usually aren’t available to minors due to safety concerns and federal child labor laws. In the U.S., these laws are designed by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which outlines what types of jobs minors can and cannot do, along with age restrictions. There are a few exceptions, but these vary state by state (be sure to check your local laws!). In general, a 12-year-old is not allowed to get a traditional non-agricultural job unless their parents own the business. 

For agricultural jobs, there’s a bit more leeway as long as the job isn’t hazardous, isn’t during school hours, and the parent’s consent is given. These are Federal guidelines, but individual states can be more strict, so check your local laws. 

When considering jobs for 12-year-olds, safety should always be a top priority. Age-appropriateness, environment, and the tasks they will do are important. For example, at this age, your child shouldn’t be handling hazardous tools, doing dangerous jobs, or working with strangers unsupervised. 

The good news is that your child can try their hand at many different things to see what they excel at and even figure out what they find to be a lot of fun. There are so many opportunities available to help them make money, like babysitting, helping out around the house or in the community, or picking produce at a local farm.

Top 14 jobs for 12-year-olds

When looking for a job for your 12-year-old, picking something they have experience in is a great way to get started. If your child has limited experience, having them do work in your home or for family members can get the ball rolling. 

Here are 14 ideas of possible jobs for 12-year-olds. 

1. Babysitter 👶

Babysitting is one of those classic jobs for teens and mature preteens. Many kids start babysitting younger siblings for small stretches of time around this age and then for longer as they prove they can handle it. 

As they gain experience at home, they can start to offer their services to neighbors who have younger children. To improve their skills and marketability, the Red Cross even offers babysitting and child care certification classes to people 11 years old and up. Not only can they improve their babysitting skills, but they can also learn first aid and CPR. 

2. Car washer 🚗

A bucket, a hose, and some cleaning supplies are all that’s needed to start a business in car washing. Have your child start out by helping you wash your car a few times. Once they get the hang of it, tell your friends and family there’s a new budding business in town. You could also accompany them while they knock on some neighbors’ doors. 

If they enjoy this work, there are plenty of ways to grow into it over time like cleaning interiors, applying wax, or learning to fully detail a car. 

3. Pool skimmer 🏊

Pools are super fun, but they can be a pain to keep clean. Luckily, this presents a great opportunity for your preteen to pick up a summer job skimming leaves and debris. Most people who have a pool already have all of the equipment needed to do this work, so it can be a no-cost business to start. 

When doing work around pools, supervision is a good idea and so is being a strong swimmer, just in case. 

4. Dog walker 🐕

Pet ownership is on the rise and that means lots of pups are in need of belly rubs and exercise. Since dog owners can’t always be home, they’re looking for capable pet sitters to hang out with their furry buddies. 

Pet sitting and dog walking can be perfect part-time jobs for 12-year-olds who have experience taking care of their own animals. 

5. Window cleaner ✨

Most people appreciate what a clean window does for a room, but not everyone wants to spend their Saturday cleaning their windows. This is another great opportunity for an ambitious 12-year-old to capitalize on. 

Equipped with some Windex, a squeegee, and some old newspapers or paper towels, there’s plenty of money to be made in most neighborhoods. Of course, this strategy works better in neighborhoods with single story houses, where no more than a step-ladder would be needed. 

6. Lawn mower 🌱

Lawn mowing can be tough work on a hot summer day, but it can also be incredibly satisfying. And a few friends working together can really lighten the load. While they might need their own lawn mower to pick up these gigs, some homeowners may have their own. 

It’s important to operate a lawn mower safely, but if they don’t have experience, there are several other jobs they can do. Many homeowners need weeds pulled, plants watered, driveways shoveled/swept, and leaves raked. Yard work of all kinds can be a great opportunity for kids to get some exercise and make some extra money. 

7. Picker 🍎

Jobs for 12 year olds: person carrying a basket of apples

If you live in a rural area with a lot of farms, getting out there and picking fruits and veggies is a good job for 12-year-olds. As mentioned earlier, agricultural jobs have looser standards when it comes to child labor laws as long as the job isn’t during school hours, the environment is safe, and you’ve given your permission for them to do the work.  

8. Reseller 🔁

Does your child enjoy collecting things? If they have an eye for what other people like to collect and an entrepreneurial spirit, there could be some good money to be made by buying and selling collectibles they know about. 

Visiting neighborhood yard sales, thrift stores, and flea markets to find treasures that they can sell online can help them create valuable expertise while learning important skills like sales and e-commerce. 

Just keep in mind that due to internet age restrictions, 12-year-olds can’t open seller accounts on Amazon, Etsy, or any other marketplace where they could make sales. So you’ll need to be the account owner and assist them with their work.

9. Garage sale worker 🏷

Garage sales are a great way for neighbors to meet and to recycle old belongings. They can be a lot of work though and help is often appreciated. This could be a great job for a 12-year-old, especially if there are a lot of garage sales or yard sales in your neighborhood.

Putting merchandise out, pricing it, organizing it, putting out fliers, and greeting people as they come in are all valuable services your child can provide. 

As a bonus, they get to meet the neighbors and become more comfortable talking to people and selling. 

10. Content creator 🎥

Girl dancing at home

Does your child have a skill or hobby to share with the world? Your 12-year-old can use a phone camera and an internet connection to create content. Once an account racks up 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time, you can apply for the YouTube Partner Program and begin monetizing the channel.

Something to note, YouTube’s terms of service don’t allow kids under 13 to open an account. So you will need to create the YouTube channel for them and help them manage it. Reviewing internet safety protocols with your preteen can help prepare them for working online. 

11. Actor 🎭

Does your 12-year-old shine under the spotlight? Maybe they’d enjoy acting or modeling. But keep in mind, it can be a tough business to break into. To get started with acting, kids can take acting classes, sign up for local theater, or see if their school has a drama department. 

The study of acting can teach your child a lot about people and self-presentation. This can help with social situations, job interviews, and public speaking.  

12. Tutor 📚

If your child shines academically, they can use their skills to help others around them improve their grades by becoming a tutor.

Teaching others reinforces your child’s own learning, and it also teaches important people skills like empathy and communication. As an added bonus, being able to show a history of helping others can look good on a college application.

13. Pooper scooper 🐶

Yes, this one is exactly how it sounds, and it’s a much-needed service for busy dog owners. Your 12-year-old can make money by offering pet waste cleanup services for neighbors. They can help pet owners keep their outdoor spaces nice and clean by removing waste. They can even extend their services to emptying cat litter boxes. The best part is, no experience is required! All they need is a scoop, some gloves, and bags for the waste.

14. Pantry organizer 🥫

Some 12-year-olds really excel when it comes to organizing and creating order out of chaos. If this sounds like your child, they may be able to earn some extra money by organizing pantries and cabinets for family, friends, and neighbors. They can sort food, check expiration dates, arrange shelves and cabinets, and label food items to make it easy for families to find exactly what they need. 

Help your 12-year-old build money skills too

Boy showing his savings using a phone

Part of growing up is finding ways to become more independent. Doing a job that teaches your child new skills and lets them make their own money can get them ready for the next stages in life. 

While jobs for 12-year-olds are limited due to child labor laws, with a little out-of-the-box thinking, you’ll find there is so much your child can still do that will help them grow and earn their own money. 

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