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spotlight story on henry holding cookies over his eyes

This Greenlight kidpreneur has a sweet tooth (and an even sweeter business)

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Welcome to the first of our Spotlight Story series, where we shine a light on Greenlight kids who are doing big things. Today we meet Henry, an eight-year-old kidtrepreneur with a sweet tooth and big dreams. If you’d like your kids to be featured on a Spotlight Story, please send us a direct message on Instagram or Facebook or email us at

Meet Henry

young boy smiling and holding cookies over his eyes

Henry’s an 8-year-old who recently started his own cookie business. He always had a knack for business (he’s sold hot dogs, lemonade and hot chocolate!), and his most recent project is the sweetest one yet. 

He got the idea from a hand-me-down family recipe for cookies, and he had some extra quarantine time to start up the business. His parents set him up with a Greenlight card to help him manage his earnings and Henry’s Famous Cookie Company was born. 

How Henry started

young boy making M&M's cookies

Henry and his mom have been making cookies together since he was two years old, using a cookie recipe borrowed from his grandma’s kitchen. Side note: She goes by Great Grandma Magic — how cool is that?! Earlier this spring, he had a lightbulb moment. These cookies are a hit with the family, so why not share them (and sell them!) with the world? 

Henry has sold 100 lbs of cookie dough

He picked up the spatula, dusted off his bike and started hand-delivering the monster cookies to his neighbors. But he didn’t stop there. Henry now delivers his famous cookie dough all over Charlotte, N.C. — and his next step is a subscription model and nationwide shipping!

A day in the life of Henry

a day in the life of Henry graphic

Henry’s two cents

young boy standing in his kitchen, holding a tray of tubs filled with M&M's and dough

Feeling inspired? So are we! If you’re thinking about starting a business like Henry did, here’s his two cents: “Make more goals.” Whether you’re setting up savings goals in your Greenlight app or learning how to market your business, stick with it and keep aiming for bigger and better.

Images of Henry provided by LunahZon Photography

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