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Investing for kids: Why they should learn and how to start

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Fact: A $1,000 investment in Amazon ten years ago would be worth more than $19,000 today.

Opinion: Investing is hard.

Your kids may not know exactly what it means to invest, but they sure can learn — with Greenlight’s investing for kids. Ready to learn all about stocks, ETFs, diversification and more? First things first. Let’s start with the basics.

Why should kids invest?

"If kids learn to invest well, they can truly change their lives for the better.” — Tim Sheehan, Greenlight’s CEO

It’s true — investing can change lives. That’s why our investment accounts for kids give them the chance to learn and make mistakes with you by their side. When they’re adults, they have knowledge and practice to build financially-happy lives for themselves (and their kids, and their kids’ kids… you get the picture).

How to get started

image of logos and phrases, centered around saving

1. Save first. Then invest. Just like training before a marathon, kids should learn the basics of money management before investing. Show them how to earn and save their money before teaching them about stocks and ETFs. Once they’ve nailed down saving and smart spending, you can introduce them to the world of investing. 2. Learn by doing. Would your kids rather study flashcards about the stock market or take a hands-on approach with their own money? Kids learn by doing — so put them in the driver’s seat! It starts with finding a safe investing app for kids (look no further). With Greenlight Max, kids research stocks and propose trades with your guardrails in place.

3. Let time work its magic.

When we tell kids that time matters with investing, it’s because historically, the market moves upward over time. This means there’s a greater chance your kids might be able to make money with their money if they give it time to grow. Thanks to compound growth, kids have time on their side. It’s not always easy to sit back, especially when money is at play — but with investing, patience actually pays.

a dad sitting with his daughter on a couch, teaching her how to invest

Invest with Greenlight

We believe investing is for everyone. No matter what you know, how much you have, your favorite color or even the clothes you wear. Your kids can invest — no matter what.

As we teach kids how to invest and secure their financial futures, we give them the chance to reap the benefits of long-term wealth, ensuring every child can grow up to be a financially-healthy, happy adult. And together, we’ll change the face of investing.

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