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7 science fair project ideas for 6th graders

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Volcanos and rockets are always cool. But if your middle-schooler wants to tackle new ideas, try these creative experiments that could have everyone saying, "Wow, that's brilliant!"

  1. Ultimate Gum Showdown: Ever wondered which gum brand has the longest staying power? Aspiring scientists want to know. They'll need a stopwatch, a few friends, and plenty of chewing gum.

  2. Preserving Petals: What keeps a flower fresh the longest? Your 6th grader can experiment with different preservatives (think sugar, vinegar, or aspirin) to see which keeps those flowers thriving the longest.

  3. Breakfast Cereal Iron Investigation: Turn regular old breakfast into a mad scientist exploration. Your child can analyze the iron content in different breakfast cereals by waving a magnet over each. Those with high iron will stick to the magnet. It's an exciting way to kick off the day with a sprinkle of science.

  4. Dancing Raisins: This fun, simple experiment is about density and buoyancy. Add raisins to a cup of clear soda and observe how they dance to the top. Your child can demonstrate their fizzy disco again at the fair and explain the science.

  5. Homemade Geodes: Combine science and art by creating homemade geodes. Using eggshells, alum powder, and a bit of food coloring, your young scientist can experiment with crystallization processes. Super cool.

  6. Musical Water Glasses: Explore the science of sound with this harmonious experiment. By filling glasses with varying water levels and tapping them with a spoon, your 6th grader can create different musical notes. It's like conducting an orchestra right at the kitchen table.

  7. Money-Meets-Mother Nature: Some of the best science fair project ideas for 6th graders are two-for-one. Try a money-energy mashup and look at the cost of running different types of light bulbs. Your teen can compare incandescent, CFL, and LED bulbs to see which is the most energy and cost-efficient over time. It's a perfect tie-in to conserving money and resources.

The best science fair projects are the ones that pique your child's curiosity. Tailor these ideas to your 6th-grader's interests. Cheers to discovery, learning, and a whole lot of fun.

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