Car games to play on your next road trip
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Keeping kids entertained on long drives
Road trips can be an exciting adventure for the whole family but they’re not without stretches of downtime. How do you keep the kids occupied over the hours? If you want to incorporate some off-screen time, car games are great for family bonding. Whether you’re looking for classic games that stand the test of time or fresh ideas, there’s a wide range of car games to play that require no supplies or just a little planning.
Here are 15 activities tailored to make your next journey more enjoyable for passengers of all ages.
Car games to play for families of all ages
1. I spy
A timeless classic where one player picks an object in sight and gives a clue, starting with "I spy with my little eye, something that begins with..." followed by the first letter of the object's name. It's perfect for all ages and requires no supplies.
2. License plate game
Make a list of states and check them off as you spot their license plates on other vehicles. This can be adapted for older kids by asking them to find plates in alphabetical order.
3. 20 questions
One player thinks of an object, and the other passengers ask up to 20 yes-or-no questions to guess what it is. It's great for kids of all ages and encourages critical thinking.
4. The alphabet game
Players try to find the letters of the alphabet, in order, on signs, license plates, and billboards. You can adapt this game for younger kids by allowing them to shout out letters in any order they see them.
5. Car color bingo
Create bingo cards before the trip with colors instead of numbers. Players mark off a square when they see a car of that color. This game is easily adaptable by changing the bingo card items to car make and model or any other objects you might see along the way.
6. Storytelling chain
Someone starts a story with one sentence, and then each person in the car adds a sentence. This encourages creativity and can be adapted by setting themes based on the kids' ages.
7. Restaurant race
Each player chooses a fast-food restaurant, and the first one to spot their chosen restaurant wins. For older kids, you can increase the challenge by selecting less common chains.
8. Name that tune
Hum or play a few seconds of a song, and the other players have to guess the song's name. This can be adapted for various ages by choosing songs from different eras or genres.
9. Guess the distance
Have kids guess the distance to a landmark or destination, and check the actual distance using your vehicle's odometer or a map app. This can be educational for all ages, teaching estimation and geography skills.
10. Find the car
Before leaving, make a list of different types of vehicles (e.g., motorcycle, semi-truck, convertible). Players tick them off as they spot them. Adapt for older kids by making the list more specific.
11. Alphabet categories
Pick a category, and players must name something within that category for each letter of the alphabet. Categories can be anything from animals to food, making it suitable for all ages.
12. Scavenger hunt
Create a list of items to spot on your journey. This requires a bit of planning but can be tailored to any environment, whether you're passing through cities or the countryside.
13. Would you rather
Pose dilemmas of two choices (e.g., "Would you rather fly or be invisible?"). It's a simple game that can lead to interesting conversations and is easily adaptable to any age group.
14. Count the...
Choose an object (e.g., cows, billboards, blue cars) and see who can count the most by the end of the trip. This game can be adapted by changing the object based on the environment you're driving through.
15. Silent spotter
A quiet game where players silently pick an object and keep track of how many times they see it. The first to spot a predetermined number of that object wins. It’s great for giving parents a moment of peace and quiet during the drive.
16. Who's most likely to…
Participants take turns asking "Who's most likely to…" followed by a hypothetical scenario (e.g., "Who's most likely to become an astronaut?"). Each player votes on who among them fits the description best. This game sparks laughter and can be adapted to scenarios appropriate for different ages.
17. Truth or dare: Family edition
Each player takes turns choosing between truth or dare. This means answering a question truthfully or completing a car-safe dare. This game can lead to hilarious moments and bonding within the family.
18. Emoji guessing
One player thinks of a scenario, object, or phrase and describes it using only emojis on their phone. The other passengers have to guess what it represents. This game is great for the digital-savvy family and helps to bridge the gap between technology and traditional car games.
19. Cloud Storytelling
Look up at the sky and take turns creating stories or characters based on the shapes of the clouds you see. It’s a fantastic way to encourage imagination and storytelling skills, with the bonus of getting everyone to unplug and appreciate the natural beauty around them.
20. Memory game: Road trip edition
Start with one player saying, "On my road trip, I packed...", followed by an item. The next player repeats the phrase and previous items and then adds their own. The list grows and becomes more challenging to remember as it goes around the car. This game enhances memory skills and can be hilariously entertaining as the list gets longer and more absurd.
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