Family fun: Charades for kids
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Charades is a classic game. It's perfect for family gatherings, birthday parties, or any fun evening at home. Charades not only bring laughter and joy but can also help kids improve their communication and acting skills. Here are some charades ideas for kids of all ages.
How to play charades
Before we get to the ideas, let's quickly go over how to play charades. It's simple. Here are the basics.
Team up: Divide players into two teams of equal size.
Set categories: Choose a variety of categories such as movies, animals, sports, professions or emotions.
Write down ideas: Write down words or phrases related to the chosen categories on small pieces of paper.
Team up and take turns: Each team member will take turns acting out the word or phrase without speaking, while their team members try to guess what it is.
Set a time limit: Decide on how much time you’ll allow each team for each round. Usually, 60 seconds is good.
Keep score: The team with the most points at the end wins.
Charades ideas for kids
Not sure which categories to start with? Here are some fun and creative charades ideas for kids:
1. Animals
From dogs and cats to lions and elephants, the animal kingdom offers an endless list of options. Kids can have fun imitating their favorite animals.
Ideas: giraffe, penguin, monkey, snake, kangaroo
2. Movies
Pop culture is always a hit with kids! Act out scenes from their favorite movies or TV shows and let them guess.
Ideas: Harry Potter, Frozen, Toy Story, The Lion King, Moana
3. Occupations
Kids can try their hand at acting out different jobs and careers, from firefighter to astronaut.
Ideas: doctor, chef, teacher, dancer, athlete
4. Food and drink
This is a fun way to introduce favorite and new foods or drinks to kids. They can act out their favorite dishes or guess what others are miming.
Ideas: pizza, ice cream, smoothie, sushi, taco
5. Book
Encourage kids to read and act out their favorite characters from books they love.
Ideas: The Cat in the Hat, Matilda, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Where the Wild Things Are
6. Sports
Whether your kids are actively in sports or not, this category gets them moving. They can show off their best moves and skills without actually playing the sport.
Ideas: basketball, soccer, gymnastics, swimming, skateboarding
7. Travel
Take kids on a virtual trip around the world with this theme. They can act out different countries or landmarks.
Ideas: Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, Statue of Liberty, Taj Mahal, Mount Everest
8. Superheros
Kids can unleash their inner superhero by acting out powers and costumes from their favorite comics or movies.
Ideas: Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Black Panther, Captain Marvel
9. Fairy tales
Let kids bring their favorite magical legends and stories to life through charades.
Ideas: Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Beauty and the Beast
10. Emotions
This is a great way to encourage emotional intelligence in kids. Have them act out different feelings and emotions to practice those nuances.
Ideas: happy, sad, angry, excited, surprised
11. Music
Kids who love music can show off their knowledge of different songs, artists, and instruments.
Ideas: guitar, piano, Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
12. School charades
This theme is a fun way to incorporate learning into the game. Kids can act out school subjects or activities.
Ideas: math class, science experiment, art project, recess, spelling bee
13. Historical figures
Introduce kids to important people in history through this theme.
Ideas: Abraham Lincoln, Amelia Earhart, Martin Luther King Jr., Marie Curie, Albert Einstein
14. Fairy charades
Fairies and magical creatures are always a hit with young kids. They can use their imagination and act out different characters.
Ideas: Tinker Bell, Tooth Fairy, mermaid, fairy godmother
15. TV shows
From cartoons to sitcoms, there are endless possibilities with this theme. Choose ones adults know, too, so you can all participate.
Ideas: Spongebob Squarepants, The Simpsons, Peppa Pig, Friends, Stranger Things
The key to a successful game of charades is to have fun and let loose. So gather your family and friends, pick a few categories, and let the fun begin! Who knows, you may discover some hidden acting talents in your kids. Happy charading!
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