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Money talks: Positive conversation starters for teens

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Welcome to the teen years, a magical time full of learning and growth. As a parent, you hold the key to planting financial seeds that can grow into money smarts. Here are 10 engaging conversation starters that'll spark your teen's interest in money management. 

Wants vs. needs: It’s about priorities

Picture this: Your teen has their eyes on the latest smartphone. But their current phone works perfectly fine. This is a golden opportunity to talk about the difference between wants and needs. The ability to identify essentials (you need them) vs. desirables (you want them) is key to smart spending. It’s all about learning to make practical, informed decisions over impulsive ones.

Banking basics: It’s about life skills

Remember opening your first bank account? Share that experience with your teen. Discuss checking and savings accounts, debit cards, and interest rates. To keep the conversation going, sign up for Greenlight's Greenlight family finance . It’s a safe way to teach smart spending together.

*¹Greenlight is a financial technology company, not a bank. The Greenlight app facilitates banking services through Community Federal Savings Bank (CFSB), Member FDIC.

Earning money: It’s about the value of work

Next time you have a quiet moment in the car, ask your teen what they'd do if they had their own cash to spend. You can mention babysitting or starting an online business as ways they could earn their own money. It's a great way to introduce the concept of responsibility and independence. They might even find a passion that could drive their future career.

Budgeting: It’s about planning

Before your child starts earning money, talk with them about how (and why) to use it wisely. Show them actual household bills so they can compare everyday expenses to their earnings (could be a big eye-opener!). This can lead to a chat about setting up a budget and why it's important to stick to it. They'll be grateful for these skills when they start managing their own income and expenses.

Saving for dreams: It’s about the future

Every dream has a price tag. Ask your teen what they're eyeing — maybe college, a vacation, or their first car. Discuss how saving a little over time can help them reach their goals sooner. Encourage them to dream big and remind them every penny saved gets them one step closer!

Conversation starters for teens

Need to dive into more money convos? The learning doesn’t stop here. Visit Greenlight’s Learning Center to continue to empower financially-smart kids. 

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