Co-parenting: Tips for success
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Co-parenting is just what it sounds like: When two or more people share parenting and childcare responsibilities. Thoughtful co-parenting helps ensure the well-being and healthy development of your child, and helps enable parents or guardians to stay involved in their child's life. Here are some best practices for successful co-parenting.
Official co-parenting definition: What it is
According to the American Psychological Association, the definition of co-parenting is "the practice by which parents coordinate their child-rearing practices. It can be supportive in nature, with partners reinforcing one another in child-rearing activities, but it may also be antagonistic, where partners are either inconsistent in parenting (e.g., show discrepant levels of parent–child engagement) or undermine each other’s child-rearing efforts (e.g., compete for their children’s attention or conflict about their children). Also called parental alliance. "
What does co-parenting look like?
Co-parenting involves both parents or guardians working together to make decisions for their child's upbringing. This might include coordinating schedules and making long- and short-term family decisions from discipline and rules to education and healthcare.
Communication and collaboration are key elements to successful parenting and co-parenting alike. Here are some top strategies that can help make co-parenting easier for your family.
Tips for effective co-parenting
1. Good communication
Effective communication is essential in any successful relationship, and co-parenting is no exception. Establishing and maintaining positive and respectful ways to communicate with your co-parent can help things run smoothly, from phone calls or text messages to in-person chats.
2. Focus on your child’s best interests
People co-parent for many different reasons. Working together to prioritize your child’s well-being and compromise when necessary can help keep everyone focused on what’s best for your child and overall family dynamic.
3. Establish consistent rules and routines
Having consistent rules and routines between both households can help provide stability for your child. This includes things like bedtime, mealtimes, and discipline. Communicating and agreeing on these expectations ahead of time with your co-parent can help make the process smoother.
4. Be flexible
Co-parenting often involves a lot of coordination and scheduling. Flexibility and understanding when unexpected events or changes occur can help minimize conflicts and ensure your child's needs are still being met.
5. Have a family support system
Co-parenting can come with its own set of challenges, and it's okay to seek outside support if necessary - for you and your child - whether it’s a school counselor, therapist, or other trusted resource.
There are infinite ways for families to thrive. Co-parenting is an extremely common form of parenting. Much like any parenting or family relationship, successful co-parenting involves regular, respectful communication, flexibility, and shared goals for your child’s care and well-being.
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