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10 fun family games to play on FaceTime

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In this digital age, staying connected and engaged with your kids is easier than ever. This blog post brings you 10 exciting games to play on FaceTime that will not only entertain you and your child but also strengthen your bond.

Why games on FaceTime are a hit with parents and kids alike

Games on FaceTime offer a fun way to connect with kids, especially when you're not physically together. They can stimulate creativity, boost problem-solving skills, and provide a great bonding activity. Plus, they're just plain fun! 

20 Questions: This classic game can easily be played over FaceTime. One person thinks of an object, person, or place, and the other person gets to ask up to 20 questions to guess what it is.

Charades: This game is a blast on FaceTime! One person acts out a word or phrase without speaking, and the other person has to guess what it is.

Pictionary: Draw pictures and have the other person guess what you're drawing. You can use an online Pictionary generator for ideas.

Storytelling game: One person starts a story with a sentence, and then the other person has to continue the story with their own sentence. This can go on back and forth, creating a unique and often hilarious tale.

Scavenger hunt: Create a list of items for the other person to find in their house. The first one to find all the items wins!

I Spy: This game is perfect for younger kids. Say, "I spy with my little eye..." and then describe something you see. The other person has to guess what it is.

Trivia: Test each other's knowledge with a trivia game. You can find plenty of trivia questions online or make up your own.

Would you rather?: This game is great for getting to know each other better. Ask questions like "Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible?" and see what the other person says.

Two truths and a lie: Each person says three statements about themselves - two that are true and one that's a lie. The other person has to guess which one is the lie.

Tic Tac Toe: Draw a Tic Tac Toe board on paper and hold it up to the camera. You can use different colored markers for each player's moves.

FAQs about Facetime games

Q: Are these games suitable for all ages?

A: Yes, these games can be adapted for kids of all ages and adults too.

Q: Can I share these games with my friends?

A: Absolutely! These games are perfect for playing with friends and family, no matter how far apart you may be.

Q: How can I make these games more fun?

A: Try adding your own rules or challenges to make the games more exciting.

Q: Do the games require any special apps or tools to play?

A: Most of these games can be played with just your phone and FaceTime or a few simple household items. A pen and paper are handy for games like Pictionary or Tic Tac Toe, but no special apps are needed.

Q: How can I ensure the games are fair for different age groups?

A: You can adjust the difficulty level of the games based on who's playing. For example, in 20 Questions, choose simpler objects for younger kids, or in trivia, select questions based on age-appropriate topics.

Q: What if there's a lag or delay during our FaceTime call?

A: Lags happen, but they usually don't disrupt the fun much. For activities where timing is crucial, like Charades, a little patience goes a long way. Also, ensure both parties have a strong internet connection before starting.

Q: Can these games be played over other video call platforms?

A: Absolutely! While we focused on FaceTime, these games are versatile and can be enjoyed over any video call software, such as Skype, Zoom, or WhatsApp.

Q: How can I make these games educational?

A: Many of these games can have an educational twist with a little creativity. For example, use vocabulary words in Charades, include math questions in trivia, or challenge imagination skills in the storytelling game.

Playing games on FaceTime is a fantastic way to stay connected and have fun with your kids, no matter where you are. These 10 games are just a few examples of the many possibilities for virtual playtime. So grab your phone, call your child, and get ready for some quality time together! Don't forget to share these games with other parents who may be looking for new ways to engage with their kids. Happy playing! 

For more creative and educational activities to do with your kids, visit the Greenlight’s Learning Center.

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