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More than mindfulness: How to be present for your kids

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Between work, chores, and that never-ending to-do list, it can feel like we're always on the go. But when it comes to our kids, being there in the moment makes a world of difference. Here’s how mindfulness can help us be more present parents. Plus, handy tricks to stay in the moment.

Understanding mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of learning how to be present and fully tune in to the here and now. The key is to observe and identify your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Mindfulness can reduce stress, sharpen our focus, and boost our mood. It’s also an incredible skill to teach your kids.

The importance of being present for our kids

When we're truly engaged with our kids, it can do wonders for their emotional health. Making kids feel loved, valued, and understood can positively influence their development and behavior. Bonus: It strengthens the parent-child bond.

How mindfulness helps us be more present

Mindfulness can help filter out distractions more effectively so you can concentrate on your child and engage with them on a deeper level. Techniques like mindful breathing and body scanning can help manage stress and take a moment to breathe before reacting.

How to be present in other ways

Even mindfulness requires practice. Master these skills to be your most present self:

  • Make time for one-on-one interaction. Even if it's just a few minutes each day, spend quality time with your child.

  • Practice active listening. Give them your full attention when your child speaks. Listen to understand, not just to respond.

  • Be aware of your emotions. If you're stressed or overwhelmed, take a moment to center yourself before interacting with your child.

  • Practice breathwork. Take deep breaths and focus on your breathing cadence to help stay calm, centered, and present.

  • Put away distractions. Turn off your phone, log out of social media, and put away any other distractions that could take you out of the moment with your child.

It takes effort and time to be truly present for our kids, especially when life's in full swing. But every small step counts! Bring mindfulness into your parenting to help be more present and engaged. Trust us, kids will notice the difference.

Keep the learning going: Head to the Greenlight Learning Center for more great strategies and tips on family, parenting, and kids.

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