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How to get over embarrassment: Tips for kids and parents

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Embarrassment is a natural human emotion, but it can be particularly challenging for kids to navigate. Here are some helpful tips for both kids and parents on how to handle and overcome feelings of embarrassment.

Acknowledge the feeling

The first step in getting over embarrassment is recognizing the feeling and acknowledging it. Encourage your child to talk about what happened and how it made them feel.

Remind them they're not alone

Kids need to know that everyone experiences embarrassment at some point. Remind them that it's a normal part of life and nothing to be ashamed of.

Practice positive self-talk

Teach your child to “redirect” themselves: Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Encourage them to say things like "It's okay, I can learn from this" instead of "I'm so embarrassed, everyone is laughing at me."

Find humor in the situation

If your child is struggling with how to get over embarrassment, a laugh can help. Sometimes, laughter is the best medicine for difficult feelings, big and small. Help your child see the funny side of the situation and learn to laugh at themselves with a joke or funny game. But try to be patient and sensitive to the fact that they might not be ready to find the situation funny right away. 

Focus on the good

It's easy to get caught up in negative thoughts when feeling embarrassed. After you’ve both acknowledged how they feel, encourage your child to focus on the positive aspects of themselves and what they did well.

Talk about coping strategies

Discuss with your child different ways they can handle embarrassing situations, such as taking deep breaths or counting to 10 before reacting.

Reality-check the situation

Sometimes, our minds can exaggerate the embarrassment we feel. Help your child “reality-test” the situation and see if it's as bad as they think. To perform a reality test, ask your child questions like "How many people were actually there?" or "Did anyone else seem to notice or care?" But remember, it’s not about negating their feelings. It’s more about teaching perspective.

Lead by example

As a parent, it's important to model how to handle embarrassment. Show your child that it's okay to make mistakes and that you can move on from embarrassing moments.

Encourage them to try again

Remind your child of the phrase, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." Encourage them to face their fears or challenges with confidence and remind them that mistakes and setbacks are a normal part of growth for everyone.

Seek outside support if needed

If your child's embarrassment is causing distress or impacting their daily life, seek professional help. An experienced school counselor or therapist can provide additional coping strategies and support.

FAQs about how to get over embarrassment

Q: Is feeling embarrassed normal?

A: Everyone experiences embarrassment at some point in their lives.

Q: How can I help my child with feelings of embarrassment?

A: Encourage them to acknowledge and talk about their feelings, remind them they're not alone, and teach them coping strategies.

Q: What are some coping strategies for how to get over embarrassment?

A: Taking deep breaths, counting to 10 before reacting, and focusing on positive thoughts are all helpful coping strategies.

Q: Should I seek professional help for my child's embarrassment?

A: If their embarrassment is causing distress or impacting their daily life, it can be beneficial to seek support from a therapist. Sometimes, just talking things out with a neutral partner helps a great deal.

Q: How can I model handling embarrassment for my child?

A: Show them that it's okay to make mistakes and move on from embarrassing moments. Practice positive self-talk and find humor in the situation.

Q: Is it important for kids to talk about their embarrassment?

A: Discussing their feelings can help kids process and overcome their embarrassment more readily.

Q: Can laughing at ourselves help with embarrassment?

A: Finding humor in a situation can sometimes help lessen the negative feelings associated with embarrassment.

Q: Are there any physical symptoms of embarrassment?

A: Some individuals can experience blushing, sweating, a nervous stomach, or increased heart rate when feeling embarrassed.

Q: How can reality testing help with embarrassment?

A: Doing a quick reality test or reality check can help put the situation into perspective and show that things might not be as bad as initially thought.

Q: Can kids learn from embarrassing moments?

A: Yes, experiencing embarrassment can teach kids valuable lessons about resilience, empathy, and self-acceptance.

Embarrassment can be uncomfortable! But it's an important emotion for kids to learn how to get through and leave behind. With these tips, your child can learn ways to overcome embarrassment more easily and build resilience.

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