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The ultimate morning routine checklist for kids

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Daily routines prepare you and your kids for a productive day. A solid morning routine helps avoid stressful moments like forgetting a project or being late to school — something any parent will appreciate. 

Establishing a realistic morning routine can help make hectic mornings much more manageable. Plus, you'll teach your kids the virtues of responsibility and independence. They'll learn they don't need your constant oversight to get ready for the day all by themselves.

An image of a father and son in front of the bathroom mirror as the small child brushes his teeth.

Age-appropriate tasks for a morning checklist

Younger kids may need more assistance than tweens and teenagers, but they can still take on a few responsibilities. Here are a few activities to consider including in your morning chore checklist for kids.

Preschool and early elementary age

  • Eat breakfast

  • Get dressed

  • Brush teeth

  • Grab backpack and lunch

Setting your kids' clothes out the night before can make their morning routine easier. You can also pack their book bag for them so everything's ready to go.

Upper elementary and middle school-age

  • Lay out clothes for the next day 

  • Pack book bag

  • Make the bed 

  • Get dressed

  • Prepare and eat breakfast

  • Brush teeth

  • Fix hair

  • Basic, quick household chores like feeding the dog or cat

High school age

  • Lay out clothes, pack book bag, and prepare lunch for the next day

  • Clean up breakfast dishes

  • Take out the trash

  • Feed the animals

By high school, your teens should know the basics of getting ready and hopefully owning those tasks with minimal supervision. At this point, you can let them share a few extra chores you usually take care of so they get a taste of adult life skills

Tips for implementing a morning routine

School morning routines look different for everyone. Some families like to spend a little extra time eating breakfast together, while others prefer a quick get-up-and-go routine. Try these steps to get everyone moving. 

1. Set a consistent wake-up time

Your kids have a set time to be at school or daycare, and you have your own responsibilities. Set a consistent time to wake up that gives everyone enough time to get ready, prepare meals, or do any other prep work before leaving the house.

2. Make sure kids get enough sleep

Your kids (and you!) are more likely to miss the alarm clock if they don't get enough sleep. Generally, school-age kids need anywhere from nine to 12 hours, while most teens can get by on eight to 10 hours. Schedule a firm lights-out so kids and teens have plenty of time to get their💤 That makes it much easier for them to be ready for the day.

3. Create a visual schedule or checklist

Consider sharing a pictorial or written checklist of each task in your kid’s morning routine. You might get a wipe-off board and hang it where your kids will see it. A visible checklist helps keep kids accountable as they perform their routine.

4. Give kids ownership of their routine

One of the key goals of a morning routine is to stop shepherding your kids through their morning tasks. Instead, turn the responsibility over to them. If necessary, you might consider offering small rewards for doing well or specific consequences if they aren’t following the routine.

Benefits of using a morning checklist

A morning and evening checklist for kids has a few advantages. For one, they promote time management and organizational skills. As kids get used to their routine, they'll learn to prepare for the mornings. They'll also figure out how long it takes to do each task, like eating breakfast or getting dressed. That means less prodding from you!

Another benefit is (hopefully) a smoother morning that sets you and your kids up for an enjoyable, successful day. With a routine, everyone knows what they need to do. You don't have to play the role of morning drill sergeant🫡

Effective strategies for using a morning checklist

It may take a few days for your kids and teens to settle into a morning routine. That's just part of the process! Try incorporating these techniques to get them accustomed quickly.

Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps

Some tasks may be complex for young kids. Make it a little easier by breaking them into small steps. For instance, you might set the breakfast cereal and silverware on the kitchen table so they can quickly eat. Or, have them lay out their clothes the night before. 

Use incentives or rewards for completing tasks

Providing a small reward can boost your child’s morning motivation. A reward can be as simple as staying up an extra hour later on the weekends or a small allowance for getting ready on time all week. 

Include reminders for specific tasks or habits

You can go the extra mile with reminders. Something as simple as a Post-it note on the bathroom mirror can remind kids to brush their teeth or comb their hair. You might also set a timer a few minutes before leaving so kids know to wrap up their tasks.

Ideal duration for a morning routine

How long should your kids take to get ready? It depends. Some kids and teens move quickly in the morning, and 30 minutes is more than enough time. Others tend to dawdle, so a few extra minutes help. 

It also depends on what kids or teens need to accomplish during their routine. If you expect your high schooler to walk the dog around the block and wash the morning dishes, they may need a full hour to do everything. 

Ideas for rewards or holding kids accountable

How can you encourage kids to stick with a new morning routine? Rewards and accountability can help! Try out these strategies. 

Sticker charts

Preschoolers and elementary-aged kids love stickers! Try creating a simple morning routine chart and let them paste a sticker every day they complete their tasks. 

Verbal praise and encouragement

Proud words of encouragement from a parent mean a lot to kids. Show them you appreciate their efforts by providing positive reinforcement when they do things right.


Earning extra money for doing their morning routine can motivate kids to finish tasks. Let them use their allowance on toys or other things they want. 

Natural consequences for incomplete tasks

Did your kid forget to pack their homework? Reconsider making a mad dash back home to pick it up. Instead, let them experience a reprimand from the teacher or a missing assignment in the grade book. They'll know how to prepare next time!

Get kids moving with Greenlight®

A well-defined morning routine can make a night and day difference in your kids' lives. With the right routine, your family will feel less rushed and enjoy stress-free mornings. And here's a bonus — with Greenlight's money and safety app for families, you can create a chore chart that ties your morning routine checklist for kids to their weekly allowance.

Greenlight Infinity includes extra features to teach your kids accountability and financial literacy, like the Level Up™ game. You can automate their allowance and show kids how to save and spend. They can even earn up to 5% on savings!* Get started with Greenlight today, and get your first month free.

*Greenlight Core and Greenlight + Invest families can earn monthly rewards of 1% per annum, Greenlight Max families can earn 2% per annum, and Greenlight Infinity families can earn 5% per annum on an average daily savings balance of up to $5,000 per family. Only Greenlight Max and Infinity families can earn 1% cash back on spending monthly. To qualify, the Primary Account must be in Good Standing and have a verified ACH funding account. See Greenlight Terms of Service for details. Subject to change at any time.

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