Moving tips for families: How to make moving easier for kids
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Moving can be stressful, especially when you have children. Here are some suggestions for moving with kids to help make the transition smoother and easier for everyone.
Before the move
Open the floor for discussion
Kids are smart; they catch on to changes quickly. Sit them down and explain why you're moving. Be open to their questions and concerns. Remember, it's a significant change for them too.
Make your kids part of the process
Don't underestimate kids, even the little ones. They can be a great help during the moving process. Let them pack their stuff. It'll keep them busy and give them a sense of control. While you’re at it, why not let them call the shots on how their new room should look? They'll love having a say in it.
Show them the bright side
Moving to a new place means new opportunities. Do some research and show them all the cool things they can look forward to in the new neighborhood: schools, parks, sports clubs, you name it. It's a great way to get them excited about such a big change.
During the move
Even the most organized move has its chaotic moments. Stay flexible and positive. Here’s what you can do to set yourself up for a less bumpy ride:
Pack personal survival kits
Pack a bag of essentials for each family member. Think favorite toys, snacks, toiletries, and a change of clothes. You don't want to be rummaging through boxes when your little one needs their teddy bear, or your teenager wants a sweatshirt.
Stick to the routine
Moving day can throw everything off balance, but stick to your kids' routines as much as possible. Keeping things familiar can help them feel more stable and less anxious amidst all the chaos.
Make unpacking a family affair
When it's time to unpack, get your kids involved! Have them carry light, non-fragile items. Let them decide where their stuff goes. It's another way to make them feel at home in their new room.
After the move
You did it! Now, it's time to settle into your new life.
Discover your new neighborhood
Go for family walks, visit the local parks, and try out the nearby restaurants. Exploring together will help you all feel more at home in your new surroundings.
Keep old friendships alive
Moving doesn't mean your kids have to lose their old friends. Help them stay connected through video calls or plan visits to the old neighborhood. Scheduling a specific event can give kids something to look forward to.
Be there for them
Moving is tough on everyone, but especially kids. They might need some time to adjust, and that's okay. Be patient, understanding, and ready to lend an ear when they need to talk. Remind them that even though their surroundings may be different, you are right here.
11 FAQs about moving with kids
Q: What if my child is resistant to the move?
A: It’s a natural reaction. Try involving them in the decision-making process and addressing their concerns. If they’re struggling, consider connecting them with a guidance counselor, therapist, or other trusted confidante.
Q: How can I keep my child entertained during the move?
A: Prepare a bag of their favorite toys, books, and activities to keep them occupied. You can also ask friends or family to help watch them for a few hours.
Q: Should I involve my child in packing?
A: Yes! Involving kids in the moving process can help them feel more in control and less anxious about the move.
Q: How do I help my child adjust to their new school?
A: Visit the school with your child as far ahead as possible before their first day—multiple times, if you can. Introduce them to teachers and classmates and encourage them to get involved in extracurriculars. Many schools offer playdates and other orientation opportunities. Ask if you can attend upcoming school events before your child is officially enrolled.
Q: How soon should I tell my child about the move?
A: It's best to tell your children as soon as possible so they have time to process and prepare, mentally and physically, for the move.
Q: How do I handle emotional outbursts from my child during the move?
A: Big feelings are normal with such a big change. Remain calm and understanding, listen to their concerns, and try to find ways to make them feel more comfortable.
Q: How can I help my child say goodbye to their friends and old home?
A: Throw a goodbye party, create a memory book, or plan one last outing in the old neighborhood. Then, if possible, set up a few post-move video chats or in-person activities to show everyone that moving doesn’t mean saying goodbye forever.
Q: What if my child gets homesick after the move?
A: Encourage them to stay in touch with old friends and make new ones in the new neighborhood. Plan visits back to their old home when possible. Also, make an extra effort to create new traditions in the new space to start making it feel like home, too.
Q: Is it normal for my child to regress during the move?
A: Yes, regression is a common coping mechanism for children during stressful transitions. Be patient and supportive until they adjust.
Q: How do I pack my child's room without upsetting them?
A: Involve them in the process and let them decide what they want to keep and where it might go. Be gentle and understanding if they are emotional.
Q: How can I help my child adjust to a new city or state?
A: Explore the new area together, try new activities, and encourage your child to make friends in the neighborhood. Introduce yourselves as a family! Bake some cookies and have the kids help pass them around. Joining your local community center, volunteering, or attending services are great ways to meet new people.
Moving with kids can be challenging, but involving them in the process and keeping open communication can help make it a positive experience for everyone. With patience and understanding, you can help the whole family adjust to your new home.
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