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Budget-friendly things to do when you're bored at home

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Whether it’s a rainy day or a long holiday break if your kids feel bored at home, there are tons of budget-friendly activities you can do without leaving the house. Here are some creative ideas that won't break the bank.

1. Solve a jigsaw puzzle. Puzzles can keep kids occupied for hours, if not days. They’re fun but can also help improve memory and cognitive functions. Up the stakes by trying speed puzzling or creating custom puzzles from your kids' artwork.

2. Visit museums, aquariums, or zoos virtually. Many institutions offer free virtual tours on certain days. Explore different cultures, learn about other species, and satisfy their curiosity right from the couch. If you can go out, check local museum websites for fun educational activities.

3. Take a discovery walk. If you're lucky enough to have a park nearby, take advantage of it. Fresh air and a change of scenery can do wonders for the mood. Try different routes and speeds, sing songs, or even plan a scavenger hunt to keep it interesting for kids. 

4. Sing karaoke. Unleash their inner superstars with a karaoke session. All you need is a music streaming service, a hairbrush for a microphone, and a sense of humor. For older kids and teens, add in some TikTok dance moves. If you really want to create a magical moment, go all out with costumes, hair, makeup, and props.

5. Try DIY. Instead of spending a ton at the mall, get your kids to make bath bombs, slime, or cotton candy popcorn. Fun DIY projects give kids a sense of accomplishment when they see the final product. Use them for gifts! Or donate extras to a school, daycare, or shelter in need.

Remember, boredom is an opportunity to discover new hobbies, learn new things, and spend quality time with family. Next time your child says they have nothing to do, give these activities a try!

Looking for fun ways to teach your kids about responsibility and money? Stop by the Greenlight Learning Center for more tips and tricks.

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