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Voting for kids: Understanding the basics

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Voting is a fundamental part of democracy, allowing people to have a say in who leads them and how they are governed. While kids may not be old enough to vote in official elections, it's never too early to start teaching them about the voting process and the importance of civic engagement.

Here are some ways to introduce the concept of voting to kids and inspire them to exercise their right to vote in the future.

What is voting?

At its core, voting is a way for a group of people to make a decision together. Ideally, everyone who is eligible gets to express their choice, and the option with the most votes wins. Voting can be as simple as deciding what game to play during recess or what movie to watch on family night.

Why is voting important?

Voting gives people a voice in decisions that affect their lives. For adults, this means having a say in who makes laws, how public money is spent, and what policies are prioritized. By teaching kids the value of voting, you're helping them understand the role they can play in shaping their community and country.

How to teach kids about voting

  1. Hold a family vote: Create opportunities for kids to vote on small family decisions, like what to have for dinner or what movie to watch. This hands-on experience can help them understand the basic voting process.

  2. Use books and stories: There are many children's books that introduce the concept of voting and democracy in an age-appropriate way. Reading these stories together can spark conversations about why voting matters.

  3. Play voting games: Turn the idea of voting into a fun activity. For example, you could have a "book election" where everyone votes on which book to read next, or a "snack senate" to decide the week's snack menu.

  4. Discuss historical events: Talk about moments in history when the fight for the right to vote changed society, such as the women's suffrage movement or the civil rights movement. This can help kids appreciate the value of voting rights.

  5. Visit local government meetings: If possible, attend a city council or school board meeting with your child. This can give them a glimpse of democracy in action and how decisions are made through voting.

  6. Simulate an election: Organize a mock election at home or with a group of children. They can campaign for different options and then vote. This can be a fun way to learn about the electoral process, campaigning, and the importance of making informed choices.

  7. Bring your kids to vote with you: While kids under 18 can’t vote, most polling locations allow children to accompany adults as long as they follow the specific rules for that location. Witnessing democracy in action can have a powerful and lasting impact. 

Voting for kids FAQs

Q: When can I vote?

A: You have to be 18 years old to vote in most countries, but some places allow voting at 16 or even younger for certain local elections.

Q: What do I need to bring when I vote?

A: In most cases, you'll need a form of identification with your name and address on it.

Q: What are the benefits of teaching kids about voting?

A: Teaching kids about voting is a powerful way to instill values of citizenship, responsibility, and participation from a young age. 

Q: Why can't kids vote in general elections?

A: Voting in general elections requires understanding complex issues and making decisions that have widespread consequences. The age limit is set to ensure voters have the maturity and experience to make informed choices.

Q: How can I make a difference if I can't vote yet?

A: Even if you're too young to vote, you can still make a difference by staying informed, sharing what you learn with friends and family, participating in community services, and supporting causes you care about.

Q: Can voting really change things?

A: Absolutely! Voting is a powerful tool for change. When people participate in elections, they can influence government decisions and policies. History has shown that voting can lead to significant changes in society.

Want more? Visit the Greenlight Learning Center for helpful resources on all things family, finance, and fun.

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