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Get in on the fun: Hilarious and corny Pi Day jokes

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Pi Day, celebrated on March 14th (3/14), is an annual event that pays tribute to the mathematical constant π (pi). It presents a perfect opportunity to indulge in some lighthearted fun and laughter with a collection of Pi-themed jokes. Pi Day is not only a celebration of this fascinating mathematical concept but also a chance to appreciate the wonders of mathematics and its impact on our daily lives. So, gather your friends, share a slice of pie, and enjoy the festivities that honor this extraordinary number. Happy Pi Day!

Pie Day jokes

What did one slice of Pi say to the other?

  • "Stop being irrational!"

Why was the math book sad on Pi Day?

  • Because it had too many problems.

What do you call a snake that’s 3.14 meters long?

  • A "pi-thon".

How many pastry chefs does it take to make one pie?

  • 3.14 (Pi)

What do mathematicians eat on Pi Day?

  • Pi-zza!

Why do circles in high school feel so lonely?

  • Because they don't have any points to connect with.

What’s a math teacher’s favorite dessert?

  • Pi – it's infinitely sweet!

What do you get when you take the sun and divide its circumference by its diameter?

  • Pi in the sky.


Pi Day jokes may be silly and cheesy, but they’re a fun way to celebrate this mathematically magical holiday. So go ahead and share these puns with your friends and family while enjoying some delicious pie on Pi Day!

If you enjoyed these Pi day jokes, check out Greenlight's Learning Center for more fun and educational content. Happy Pi Day!

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