World Kindness Day: Why it’s a global movement
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World Kindness Day: It’s more than just a day to be nice to others. It's a global movement that shines a spotlight on the power of kindness.
The importance of World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day is a fantastic opportunity to teach kids about empathy and kindness. Communities and schools often celebrate by participating in acts of kindness, encouraging kids to walk in someone else's shoes, feel what they feel, and understand the impact of their actions. As parents, we can make this day a meaningful family tradition to help make kindness an everyday habit.
5 fun World Kindness Day activities to do together
Write thank you letters: Organize an hour for your kids to write thoughtful notes of gratitude to people who’ve made a difference in their lives.
Bake cookies for neighbors: Deliver a sweet message of kindness to nearby friends, neighbors, or anyone you know who could use a smile. Or, instead of sweets, offer to help a neighbor with a difficult chore.
Donate toys: Ask your kids to pick out toys (in good condition) they no longer use and donate them to a children's hospital or charity. Even if they protest, emphasize how great helping feels and how important it is to bring joy to others.
Compliment day: Spend the day giving compliments to each other and to strangers. Smile at people as you walk past. Talk to your community members and pet their dogs (with permission and supervision, of course). Each action you take helps build a stronger, kinder community!
Kindness jar: Every time your child does something kind, add a marble to the jar. When it's full, celebrate with a special treat. Tack on an additional reward for counting those marbles.
World Kindness Day is more than being nice for a few hours. It’s about creating habits that last a lifetime. Practicing kindness regularly can build friendships, communities, confidence, and so much more.
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