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8 budget-friendly fun family activities

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Spending time with family can benefit well-being in almost dozen different ways. The benefits stretch beyond simply having fun together. Family time can strengthen bonds, enhance communication, and boost the emotional health of all members. The benefits are even more significant when you engage in fun activities that stimulate your kids' curiosity, creativity, and social skills.

The best part? Quality family time doesn't have to strain your budget. Here are a few budget-friendly fun family activities that are ideal for taking a break from work, school, and doing chores.

Fun family activities: Outdoors edition

An outdoor family adventure can be an excellent change of scenery from your everyday work and school life.

1. Enjoy nature's wonders

Local walking or hiking trails, whether through the woods or along the beach, are great for a little exercise and a lot of nature. Shake it up by taking photos of the birds and animals you see, then get busy. Research and identify the local wildlife you spotted together.

If you don't have any trails to explore, spend time outdoors at a local park. Pack a lunch, grab a blanket, and find a shady spot to eat before tossing a frisbee or flying a kite.

2. Get sporty

Head out on your bikes or strap on your rollerblades. Plan an afternoon of family-friendly games, like kickball, tennis, or tag, or take advantage of warm weather to try water-based activities like swimming, fishing, or kayaking.

3. Explore your community

Stepping out into your community can be a rewarding experience. Visit local attractions like zoos and museums or explore historical sites to learn more about your town or state. Watch for local fairs, parades, or farmer's markets you can attend for a taste of your community's unique culture.

Family activities for staying at home

Make staying in as fun as going outdoors with these activities.

4. Get creative and artistic

Creative and artistic pursuits encourage imagination and enhance fine motor skills. Come up with DIY crafts and projects using materials you find around the house or outside. Try a recipe for homemade clay and start sculpting or search for free online painting and drawing lessons and have a group art class. You can also use your creative juices to make homemade gifts for others.  

5. Enjoy fun family games

A family game night can foster cognitive development and family bonding. With a simple card deck, you have unlimited game options, from simple matching games like Go Fish to more complicated partnership games like Spades. Our fav? Greenlight’s Level Up game has interactive financial literacy lessons for kids and teens of all ages.

Brain teasers and puzzles provide an opportunity to problem-solve as a family. Pick age-appropriate options that allow each family member to contribute. Throw a video game night in the mix, too, like a Mario Kart competition.

6. Cook up some fun in the kitchen

Games can be a great way to learn more about using money, but cooking skills are also essential. Find kid-friendly recipes to try, or let your kids help concoct a new family recipe. Occasionally get the whole family working together to prepare a meal. Choose a menu that requires a variety of cooking skills. You can also plan a family baking day to create and decorate tasty homemade treats.

Seasonal family activities

These activities can make holidays all the more memorable.

7. Make seasonal crafts and decorations

Every season provides a unique opportunity to make themed crafts and decorations. See how artistic your family can be, then decorate the house with your creations. Creating personalized cards can be fun for your family and meaningful to recipients. Have kids do the art and then work together to write a thoughtful or funny poem.

8. Host festive celebrations and make new traditions

Organize family gatherings to mark special occasions or simply to have fun. There's no need to wait for a major holiday. For instance, celebrate Sweetest Day by having family and friends over to enjoy some sweet treats. Cultivate some unique family traditions to look forward to each year.

Holidays are also an excellent time to participate in local events and celebrate with others in your community.

Plan some family fun

Family activities can create a close-knit family culture and provide shared stories and memories that your family can draw from for years. Don't be afraid to try new family activities or to find unique ways to make mundane family tasks enjoyable. 

For instance, make household chores rewarding by using Greenlight’s chores app for kids and teens. By connecting your kids’ allowances and chores with the Greenlight app, you can easily reward their hard work and they can learn how hard work pays off. After all, what matters most is not what you do — but the memories you make while having fun together.

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