10 fascinating St. Patrick's Day facts
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St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday beloved by many. Celebrated on March 17th each year, it’s rich in history and tradition. But there’s more to St. Patrick's Day than green shamrocks and leprechauns. Let's dive in🍀
1. St. Patrick wasn't actually Irish!
Contrary to popular belief, St. Patrick was not born in Ireland but in Roman Britain. He relocated to Ireland around age 16.
2. The connection to shamrocks
According to legend, St. Patrick used the three leaves of a shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to pagans.
3. The original color associated with St. Patrick's Day
Blue was the original color associated with St. Patrick, but it later changed to green due to Ireland's nickname, "The Emerald Isle."
4. No alcohol on St. Patrick's Day
Until the late 1970s, Irish law required pubs and bars to be closed on March 17th.
5. Corned beef vs. cabbage
While corned beef and cabbage are a staple for many on St. Patrick's Day, the Irish version is bacon and cabbage. But the most traditional meals in Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day tend to be hearty beef or lamb stews with a side of colcannon – buttered mashed potatoes and cabbage.
6. The longest St. Patrick's Day parade
The longest St. Patrick's Day parade is said to take place in New York City, with over 150,000 participants and two million spectators.
7. The Chicago River is dyed green
Since 1962, the city of Chicago in Illinois has been dyeing its river green to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
8. Leprechauns are based on Celtic fairies
The word "leprechaun" comes from the Irish term "lobaircin," meaning small-bodied. These mischievous creatures were believed to be cobblers who kept a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
9. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in space
In 2011, astronaut Catherine "Cady" Coleman celebrated St. Patrick's Day aboard the International Space Station by playing a traditional Irish flute.
10. Financial implications of St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day also has an interesting financial angle. In the U.S. alone, consumers spent around $6 billion on St. Patrick's Day celebrations in 2019. This includes everything from party favors to parades. That's a lot of green!
There you have it: A deeper understanding of St. Patrick's Day facts. This year, celebrate by sharing some of these fun facts.
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