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201 trivia team names that will set your team apart

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Trivia night is always a blast. Whether you’re challenging your friends at the local pub or hosting a game night at home, choosing the perfect trivia team name adds to the fun. A good team name not only gets a laugh but brings your group together, and who doesn't love hearing a clever name announced when it’s time to tally scores? 

But with so many options out there, where do you even begin? We've rounded up a list of the best trivia team names to help you stand out, no matter your vibe. From funny and pun-filled to pop culture-themed or family-friendly, you’ll find plenty of inspiration below. 

Funny trivia team names

Who doesn’t love a team name that gets the whole room laughing? Humor is an easy crowd-pleaser, and these funny trivia team names are sure to deliver. 

  1. Tequila Mockingbird 

  2. My Drinking Team Has a Trivia Problem 

  3. Quiz Pro Quo

  4. The Fact-checkers

  5. Error 404: Knowledge Not Found

  6. We Came, We Saw, We Guessed

  7. Smarty Pints 

  8. Quizzy McQuizface 

  9. Victorious Secret 

  10. The Know-It-Owls 

  11. The Answer We Forgot 

  12. Sherlock Homies 

  13. In Doge We Trust

  14. I Thought This Was Speed Dating

  15. Witty Team Name Pending

  16. Quaranteam

  17. Ctrl Alt Delighted

  18. Full Frontal Nerdity

  19. The Answerholics

  20. Nerd Immunity 

  21. Give Me Trivia or Give Me Death

Pop culture-inspired team names 

For the music buffs, movie enthusiasts, and TV lovers, here are some team names inspired by pop culture to show off your fandom. 

Movie-inspired names

  1. The Fast and the Curious

  2. Risky Quizness 

  3. The Fellowship of the Quiz

  4. Trivia & Juliet

  5. Star Wars Trivia Club - Jedi Mind Tricks Edition

  6. E.T. : Extra Trivial

  7. Trivia Jones and the Last Crusade 

  8. Quiztastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 

  9. Silence of the Buzzers 

  10. The Quizfather 

  11. Forrest Guessed 

  12. The Lord of the Rounds 

  13. Shawshank Retention 

  14. Quizablanca 

  15. Quiztopher Walken 

  16. Gone with the Quiz 

  17. The Quiz Knight Rises 

  18. The Great Quizby 

  19. A Quizcar Named Desire 

  20. Raiders of the Lost Quiz 

  21. No Country for Old Quizzes 

  22. Quizbusters 

  23. Dead Quiz Society 

  24. The Wizard of Quiz 

  25. Pirates of the Quizribbean

  26. 12 Angry Quizzers 

  27. Quizception 

  28. The Hunger Games: May the Odds Be Ever in Our Favor

  29. Quizzing Private Ryan

  30. Quizard of Oz 

  31. How to Lose a Quiz in 10 Days

  32. Quiz Eye for the Straight Guy

  33. The Devil Wears Trivia

  34. A Few Good Answers

  35. All the President’s Answers

  36. O Brother, Where Art Thou Answers?

  37. Trivia with a Chance of Meatballs

  38. The Fault In Our Answers 

  39. Mission Impassable

  40. Guessing Gladiators

  41. I Am Smartacus 

  42. Fifty Shades of Trivia

  43. Quiz is a Dish Best Served Cold

  44. Hasta La Trivia, Baby

  45. Do or Do Not, There is No Trivia

  46. With Great Trivia Comes Great Responsibility

TV-inspired names 

  1. The Brainy Bunch

  2. The Answer Is Out There 

  3. Up Quiz Creek Without a Paddle 

  4. Breaking Facts 

  5. Game of Phones 

  6. The Golden Quizzers 

  7. Stranger Quiz Things 

  8. Quiz and the City 

  9. Parks and Triviation 

  10. How I Met Your Answer 

  11. The Walking Quiz 

  12. The Quizlorian 

  13. Arrested Answers 

  14. Better Quiz Saul 

  15. Stranger Answers

  16. Buffy the Trivia Slayer 

  17. Two and a Half Answers 

  18. The Big Quiz Theory 

  19. Quiz of Thrones 

  20. Trivia is Coming

  21. The Fresh Quiz of Bel-Air 

  22. Trivia and Chill

  23. Quiz Your Enthusiasm

  24. Cheers to Trivia

  25. Who Wants to Quiz a Millionaire?

  26. A Series of Unfortunate Answers

  27. John Triviolta

Music-inspired names 

  1. Trivia Newton John 

  2. Quiz Me Baby One More Time 

  3. Beyonce Know-Alls 

  4. E=MC Hammer 

  5. Born to Runner-Up 

  6. We Will Quiz You 

  7. The Quizfits

  8. Let’s Get Quizzical 

  9. Quiztina Aguilera 

  10. Quizzing Me Softly 

  11. Let’s Get Quizzical 

  12. Quiz Khalifa 

  13. 99 Problems but a Guess Ain’t One

  14. Quizzee Stardust 

  15. Quizzy Smalls 

  16. Love Me Like You Do Trivia

  17. Adele-tailed Answer 

  18. Answers Blowing in the Wind 

  19. The Trivia Supremes 

  20. Unplugged Trivia

  21. ABBA-solutely Trivia

  22. Red Hot Trivia Peppers

  23. Stairway to Trivia

  24. Sweet Trivia O’ Mine

  25. Quiz Zeppelin

  26. Smells Like Quiz Spirit

  27. Wonderwall of Knowledge

  28. All About That Quiz 

  29. Beat It… With Answers

  30. Quiz Swifties

  31. Don’t Go Quizzing My Heart

  32. Another Quiz Bites the Dust 

  33. California Quizzin’

Family-friendly trivia team names 

Trivia night can be family fun, too! If you’re playing in a group of parents and kids, these names are perfect for creating a lighthearted team atmosphere. 

  1. Answer Droppers 

  2. The Mighty Moms 

  3. The Dad Jokes

  4. Know It Some (Because who knows it all?) 

  5. The Homework Houdinis 

  6. Trivia Titans 

  7. Couch Potatoes Unite 

  8. Clue Collectors 

  9. The Puzzle People 

  10. Fact Finders 

  11. Mind Masters 

  12. Quiz Kids 

  13. The Wonder Whizzes 

  14. Knowledge Ninjas 

  15. Smarty Pants Club 

  16. Fun Fact Fanatics 

  17. Noggin Squad 

  18. The Genius Gaggle 

  19. Brainstormers 

  20. Team Brainwave 

  21. Brain Boosters

  22. The Answer Avengers 

  23. The Riddle Runners

  24. Little Big Thinkers

  25. The Brainiac Brigade

  26. Thinkamajigs

  27. The Whiz Kids

  28. Family Think Tank

  29. Guess Gurus

  30. The Inquisitive Clan

  31. The Smarty Party

  32. Team Eureka!

  33. Noggin Navigators

  34. Lightning Minds

  35. IQ Crew

  36. Quizzards-in-Training

  37. Keep Calm and Quiz On

  38. All’s Fair in Love and Trivia

  39. We Came, We Quizzed, We Conquered

Food-themed team names 

Feel at home in the kitchen — or just love a good food pun? These names are a recipe for success. 

  1. Smartinis

  2. Clever Cookies

  3. Trivia is the Spice of Life

  4. Egg-celent Thinkers

  5. Lettuce Believe 

  6. Holy Guacamole 

  7. Pasta La Vista, Baby 

  8. Yeast Mode 

  9. Nacho Average Team 

  10. Best of the Wurst

  11. Brew Can Do It 

  12. Just Dill With It 

  13. Raisin the Bar 

  14. The Big Cheese 

  15. Whiskey Business 

  16. Beignet There, Done That 

  17. Soup-er Stars 

  18. Taco 'Bout Trivia 

  19. The Miso Hungry Squad 

  20. Pizza My Heart 

  21. Batter Late Than Never 

  22. Donut Stop Believin' 

  23. Grillin' It 

  24. Crème de la Crème 

  25. Game of Scones 

  26. Pear Pressure 

  27. Bean There, Done That

  28. Cereal Killers 

  29. Bacon of Hope

  30. Grill Seekers

  31. Whisk Takers

  32. Toasted and Roasted

  33. Forks and Facts

  34. Brewed to Win

  35. Knowledge on Tap

How to choose the perfect trivia team name 

Still can’t decide? Here are a few tips to help you narrow things down. 

  • Know your team’s vibe. If your team is more serious, go for something clever but straightforward. For a casual or humorous group, feel free to pick something silly and lighthearted. 

  • Tailor it to the event. Is the trivia night themed around a specific topic, like movies or music? Use that as inspiration for your name. 

  • Inside jokes work. Have a running joke in your friend group? Incorporate it into your team name to make it personal. 

Bonus tip for parents 

If you’re playing trivia as a family, consider getting everyone involved in choosing the name! This makes it even more fun for the kids and helps everyone feel included. 

A final touch for trivia lovers 

Choosing a team name is just the beginning of your trivia-night success. If you’re looking to practice some trivia, test your knowledge on questions about Disney, about science, written in Jeopardy-style, and for kids

For more great family ideas and opportunities to learn together, check out Greenlight’s Learning Center, including resources and our all-in-one money app for families, designed to teach your kids the value of saving, spending wisely, and working toward goals together. Try Greenlight now.

This blog post is provided "as is" and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. Some content in this post may have been created using artificial intelligence; however, every blog post is reviewed by at least two human editors.

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