What generation starts after Gen Alpha?
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You've probably heard about Generation Alpha, the successors to Generation Z. Gen Alphas were born between roughly 2010 and 2024. These digital natives are growing up in the glare of iPads and the buzz of Instagram notifications. But what happens after Gen Alpha? Who comes next? Let's dive in and find out.
Who's after Generation Alpha?
While Gen Alpha is still in the process of being born, researchers and social scientists are already looking ahead to the next cohort. After Generation Alpha, it's time to meet Generation Beta, those born from 2025 to 2039.
Generation Beta: Who will they be?
With roughly 15 years between generations, Gen Beta will be the children of Millennials and the younger siblings of Gen Alphas.
Familiar yet different
Generation Beta will carry forward the digital legacy of its predecessors. After the screen-agers, we might just call them the virtual-agers. They may be even more interconnected and technologically adept, especially with virtual reality and artificial intelligence (AI).
The impact of the 'great screen age'
For Generation Beta, screen saturation may have even more profound effects. They’re also part of “Generation Glass,” kids born into ever-present technology.
Looking ahead
It's a fascinating journey to observe these generational shifts. From Generation X to our yet-to-be-born Generation Beta, each cohort brings unique influences and challenges. As the Pew Research Center points out, “Young adults are often at the leading edge of changing attitudes on emerging social trends.” So stay tuned, parents!
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