The 6 Biggest Benefits of Community College
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When you think about college experiences, your mind may go to traditional four-year colleges, but that's only one of the many paths your teen can take. In fact, the benefits of community college could make it an appealing option to help your child reach their academic goals. Of course, the specifics will depend on the college in question. Read on to better understand community colleges' advantages over their four-year competitors.
1. Affordability with lower tuition fees
Community college benefits your budget. On average, community college students pay around $3,885 per year. Compare that to four-year college students, who will spend an average of $17,709 on tuition each year.
Historically, tuition prices tend to rise over time. In the last 10 years, the average tuition for a four-year student has risen by about 26%, while community college tuition increased at a 17% rate. This is important to keep in mind since tuition fees will likely increase during your teen's time in school. Community colleges, like universities, offer financial aid options as well. So just because your child is going to community college doesn't mean they will miss out on scholarships and student loan opportunities.
2. Personalized instruction with smaller class sizes
It's nice to be known. Introductory-level courses at a large four-year college may have hundreds of students crammed into a huge lecture hall. On the other hand, community colleges tend to have much smaller class sizes. How much smaller? One study found that the average community college has 25 to 35 students per class, while classes at a four-year college can have 150 to 300 students.
If your student likes to disappear in the crowd, they may prefer the four-year college, but one of the biggest pros of community college is the ability to interact with professors. When your teacher knows your name, you may be more likely to ask for help, participate in class, and have greater academic success.
3. Flexible class schedules to work while in school
Four-year colleges tend to have fairly rigid class schedules that often meet during the traditional business day. This may work well for some full-time students, but many students must work while in school. Many community colleges offer flexible scheduling through hybrid or online programs, evening courses, and early education programs.
Hybrid or online courses often allow students to complete their coursework when it's most convenient for them, sometimes with fewer or even no in-person requirements. Evening programs keep the coursework at night so students can work during the day. Finally, many community colleges offer early or dual enrollment, which allows students to complete some college courses while still in high school. Many community colleges also accept advanced placement credits.
4. Career readiness and diverse programs
The variety of career-ready programs is one of the biggest benefits of attending a community college. Does your teen want a degree program that grants a bachelor's degree when an associate degree is sufficient? If they want to be an electrician, they may not need to go to a four-year college for electrical engineering when a community college offers an associate degree for electricians. Community colleges frequently offer a more diverse set of degree options intended to produce graduates ready to work in a variety of fields.
5. Going to college without leaving home
Living expenses are one of the more significant yet overlooked costs of attending a four-year college. On-campus housing and a meal plan will set you back about $11,500 on average if your teen attends a four-year college. Of course, that does not include normal living expenses like clothes, entertainment, gas, or even moving costs. Most community colleges don't offer on-campus living, so kids can save a bundle living at home or with roommates.
6. Transfer agreements to four-year universities
Just because your child's path starts at a two-year college doesn't mean it has to finish there. If your student eventually wants a bachelor's degree, you can check into transfer agreements between your community college and four-year colleges and universities. Almost half of students in the U.S. who earned bachelor's degrees transferred after first attending a community college. Beginning the journey at a community college can give students a chance to adjust to the college setting before committing to major tuition dollars and a potential move.
Community college drawbacks
There are a few disadvantages to attending a community college that prospective students should be aware of before committing to attending one.
First, community colleges do not offer bachelor's degrees, so if your teen's academic goals include earning one, they'll eventually have to transfer elsewhere.
Second, community colleges don't offer on-campus living, so the student experience may feel a bit different. Most community colleges are "commuter schools" where students drive onto campus and return home when class is over. If a thriving student-life experience is high on the priority list, then a community college may not be the best fit.
Key considerations when evaluating community colleges
As you consider whether a community college is right for your teen, start with what they hope to achieve. Think about their current academic or career goals. Define them as clearly as possible. Do they want to be a plumber or HVAC specialist? Check to see if the community college you're considering offers the program your child needs. Likewise, if they will eventually have to transfer to a four-year college, make sure any community college credits will be accepted by the new school. Many schools have articulation agreements that detail how credits will be transferred from one school to another, so do your homework.
Start planning for careers and higher education with Greenlight
Parents of future college students have a lot to consider, but you don't have to walk this trail alone. Take advantage of Greenlight's Learning Center to help you guide your teen through the process of education and beyond. They can also sign up for our debit card, which will help them build critical life skills like earning, saving, and managing their money.
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