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10 Fun and engaging New Year's resolutions for kids

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When the clock strikes midnight and a new year begins, it’s not just a time for adults to set goals for growth — it’s the perfect opportunity for kids to reflect on their accomplishments and dream about what they want to achieve in the next year, too. New Year's resolutions for kids are not only about forming healthy habits, but also sparking joy, boosting confidence, and nurturing meaningful life skills.

Below are 10 achievable New Year’s resolution ideas for kids to kickstart the new year with positivity and purpose.

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables 

Healthy eating doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Set a goal with your kids to try new fruits and vegetables each week. Making smoothies, adding toppings to salads, or helping in the kitchen can make this resolution fun and adventurous.

How to achieve it: Have your kids pick out one new fruit or veggie to try each week while out grocery shopping. 

2. Be kind every day

A simple act of kindness can make a big impact. A great resolution for kids is to practice kindness daily. This could be complimenting a classmate, helping a family member, or writing a thank-you note. Spreading kindness not only lifts others but also builds empathy and compassion in kids.

How to achieve it: Use a kindness jar and add a note for each act of kindness. By the end of the month, reflect on all the good deeds done!

3. Read more books

Encourage young readers to expand their imagination and knowledge by setting a reading goal. Whether it’s five books a month or reading 15 minutes a day, this resolution helps improve literacy and fosters a lifelong love of learning.

How to achieve it: Kids can create a “reading bucket list” with books they’re excited to explore, from fantasy adventures to animal fact books.

4. Spend less time on screens

With so many digital distractions, a resolution to cut back on screen time can do wonders for kids’ well-being. Instead of scrolling or gaming, they can play outdoors, create art, or spend time with family.

How to achieve it: Set timers or create “off-screen zones” where kids can focus on non-tech activities.

5. Learn a new skill

The new year is the perfect time for kids to discover something new! From learning to ride a bike to picking up an instrument or trying out simple cooking recipes, mastering a skill builds confidence and sparks curiosity.

How to achieve it: Break the goal into small steps. For instance, if they want to learn piano, start with one easy song a week.

6. Help around the house

Teaching kids responsibility can start with small household chores. Resolutions like cleaning up toys, making their bed daily, or helping set the dinner table can help foster independence. You can even tie their chores into their weekly allowance and track their progress using the Greenlight app, where they can check off chores, track their earnings, and receive chore reminders.

How to achieve it: Create a weekly chore chart with stickers or small rewards for completing tasks.

7. Stay active every day

Physical activity is key for growing bodies and minds. Kids can aim to spend at least 30 minutes each day being active. Whether it’s dancing to their favorite songs, playing soccer, or jumping rope, movement can be both fun and energizing.

How to achieve it: Make it a group resolution with family walks, bike rides, or weekend park outings!

8. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful way to focus on the positives in life. Kids can set a goal to share one thing they’re grateful for each day, either by writing in a small journal or saying it aloud during family meals.

How to achieve it: Decorate a “gratitude board” at home where kids can add sticky notes about what makes them happy.

9. Spend more time outside

Fresh air and sunshine do wonders for kids! This resolution can include making time for playing in the backyard, going on nature walks, or even starting a garden.

How to achieve it: Start an “outdoor challenge” where kids aim for time outside every day, with prizes for weekly milestones.

10. Be a good friend

Friendships grow when kids focus on being thoughtful and dependable. Resolutions like including others during recess, resolving conflicts kindly, or simply asking how someone’s day is going can improve social skills and foster meaningful relationships.

How to achieve it: Talk to kids about what it means to be a good friend and ask them to write down a few ways they can practice this each week.

Making New Year's resolutions for kids successful

The most important part of setting New Year’s resolutions for kids is tailoring them to your child’s interests and making them enjoyable. Resolutions should feel like opportunities for growth rather than obligations. Try the tips below for creating a resolution plan so your kids can stick with their resolutions all year long. 

  • Set SMART goals. Keep them specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

  • Make it visual. Post goals on a wall or fridge to serve as a daily reminder.

  • Track progress together. Whether it’s through sticker charts or family check-ins, celebrate milestones as they’re achieved.

  • Model the way. Parents can set their own resolutions and work alongside kids; this is a great way to bond and lead by example.

By focusing on positivity and progress, kids can start the new year with a sense of excitement, accomplishment, and pride. These New Year’s resolutions for kids promise to create a year filled with healthy habits, meaningful connections, and joyful growth!

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This blog post is provided "as is" and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. Some content in this post may have been created using artificial intelligence; however, every blog post is reviewed by at least two human editors.

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